13 Difficult Truths You May Never Like About Marriage

Truth is sacred. But today, many people in marriage continue to abide in the myth of marriage, assuming it is the truth about marriage. And because of the myths that many people are holding on to about marriage, they make shipwreck of their marriages. A lot of marriages is hinged on the Cinderella story, a fantastically false portrayal of happiness in human life.

Some truths about marriage abound that you might probably not like or even want to hear because of the Prince Charming story that you are much familiar. Yet, your knowledge of these truths about marriage will help you out of many troubles.

Here are 13 truths you may never like about marriage

1. Love is not the pillar of a lasting marriage. Forgiveness and kindness are important. There are times the love you profess for your spouse will not be enough in the face of offence and turbulence but a heart of forgiveness and kindness will help you stay through.

2. There is no marriage without agreement. If you and your spouse are a straight line that can never meet, you can never build a great marriage. Couples that don’t agree are not in a marriage but in a damage

3. Marriage will not give you joy. Being joyful is a choice you need to make consciously. No spouse will give you joy because they don’t manufacture happiness let alone giving you the deepest one—joy.

4. Settle the battles in your mind first. To have a settled marriage, you must settle the battles in your mind. Never believe all men are the same or all ladies want is money or a man that can take care of their responsibilities

5. If you are too busy for humour in your marriage, you will end up destroying yourself and eventually your marriage. There is no matter in a marriage that is too serious for you to say you don’t have time for humour. You must play, joke, and talk together.

6. Submission does not apply to wives only. There is submission to God, husband and wife submit to each other and then the wife submits to her own husband.

7. Your once very slim, figure 8 wife will become fat and chubby. If what attracts you to a lady is her figure, know this that with time, especially after childbirth, she is likely going to grow fat and to shed that fat might be difficult.

8. Your Secretary will always behave ‘better’ than your wife. This is expected because your Secretary is doing her work and she must be on her best behaviour so as not to lose her job. Never compare your wife with her.

9. In-laws are part of your family. Don’t get it twisted, you did not only marry a man but you are married to his family too. Though they are not part of your marriage but part of your family and you must love them and treat them with wisdom.

10. Saying you are a Proverbs 31 woman is not enough, you need to enter the Songs of Solomon because Romance, kissing, Pecking, Kind word and sex are also needed to keep your marriage.

11. To be a great husband, you must be a good boyfriend. There was a way you were relating and treating your wife when you were courting, in marriage you need all your boyfriend prowess to keep your wife

12. To have a great marriage, you must be a good girlfriend to your husband. You must treat him well and speak to him lovingly.

13. Getting married in the will of God is not an automatic visa for an excellent marriage. That you are married to a child of God doesn’t mean you will have a great marriage, your preparation, character and the mercy of God will go a long way. Dealing with destructive habits and characters is also very important