13 Herbal Teas to Prevent or Treat Menstrual Cramps

Thanks to their properties, these infusions can help us both prevent and relieve menstrual cramps. Find out more below!

According to researchers, menstrual cramps are the leading cause of gynecological morbidity in women of reproductive age. The clinical name by which they are known is dysmenorrhea, and unfortunately it’s a very common problem

. Fortunately, there are infusions to prevent or treat menstrual cramps that can be useful.
It is estimated

that more than 50% of menstruating women suffer from this complication

, and in some cases it can be very intense. There are two ways to treat the problem: with the help of pharmacological therapies and with home remedies. Today we focus on the latter, as we compile the best infusions to prevent or treat menstrual cramps.

Menstrual colic or dysmenorrhea occurs

mainly in adolescents, usually one or two years after the first menstruation (menarche), when the ovulatory hormonal cycle is already established. It’s a pain in the belly area with variable intensity and duration.

It’s caused by the contraction of the muscles of the uterus before and during menstruation. These cramps usually disappear after the second or third day of the period.

They’re due to the fact that during menstruation a substance called prostaglandin is released

, which causes contractions in the uterus. These contractions help the expulsion of desquamated uterine tissue.

However, some women suffer contractions so strongly that the blood vessels supplying the uterus are compressed

, causing a temporary ischemia (angina of the uterus) .

Before talking about infusions to prevent or treat menstrual cramps, it’s necessary to classify them. There are

two types of menstrual cramps: primary and secondary dysmenorrhea.

Primary dysmenorrhea is when menstrual cramps arise without any gynecological disease and occur from the first menstruation

. It sometimes occurs due to hormonal changes or early menarche, and isn’t due to a specific physical condition.

Secondary dysmenorrhea can be caused by gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis

, fibroids, infections, or simpler issues such as stress or poor diet.

The pain appears after the first menstruation. It usually occurs in women after the age of 20 or 30.

Among the factors that cause cramps during the menstrual period, we can differentiate between those of primary and secondary dysmenorrhea.
The main risk factor is age

. In this sense, cramps are more common before the age of 20 and improve as women get older. Other risk factors include the following:

As we have already pointed out, secondary dysmenorrhea is mainly due to an identifiable pathological condition. We highlight the following:
Menstrual cramps begin before menstruation,

usually reducing progressively within 72 hours. Their intensity may vary during that time and the following symptoms may also occur intermittently:

Dysmenorrhea by itself doesn’t cause major health problems, although in some women the cramping is so intense that it affects their daily activities. Generally, dysmenorrhea improves as women get older

, due to the progressive changes that the body undergoes.

Fortunately, there are many infusions that help treat menstrual cramps. These natural preparations not only help relieve pain, but also improve all other associated symptoms.

The treatment of menstrual cramps consists of taking anti-inflammatory drugs. At the same time, good lifestyle habits should be practiced

, such as maintaining good hydration and nutrition, regular physical exercise, and avoiding the consumption of substances that may promote discomfort, including alcohol.

Some home remedies prevent or treat menstrual cramps and the infusions that we’re going to discuss below also help to relieve the pain. In principle, they’re used to help ingest liquid and maintain good hydration. However, they won’t replace the pharmacological treatment prescribed by the specialist under any circumstances.

Chamomile infusions are the most used to relieve menstrual cramps because it has multiple properties. It soothes, relaxes, reduces inflammation, and also helps to fall asleep at night

, which makes it very beneficial.

The effects of this plant are scientifically based. Some studies

highlight that chamomile is better than anti-inflammatory drugs for relieving menstrual pain in adolescents with primary dysmenorrhea.
Ginger root can relieve

menstrual cramps because it has antispasmodic properties

. That is, it helps muscle contractions to be reduced, and improves or regulates menstrual flow.

A review published in the journal Pain Medicine

demonstrated the efficacy of ginger in the treatment of dysmenorrhea. The publication stated that consumption of between 750 and 2000 milligrams of powdered ginger during the first days of the menstrual cycle helps to reduce pain.

According to popular wisdom, oregano infusion can relieve abdominal spasms and menstrual cramps, as well as the nausea that may occur during menstruation

. If you prefer, you can combine oregano infusion with chamomile to enhance the calming effects.

Although there’s no scientific evidence to support the use of oregano infusion to relieve dysmenorrhea, the essential oil of the plant may be effective. A study of Journal of Obstetric and Gynaecology Research

found that massages with lavender, oregano and sage essential oil reduce menstrual pain.

Because of its diuretic action, sage prevents fluid retention and the appearance of premenstrual syndrome symptoms

, such as irritability and headaches. Because of this, it’s one of the best infusions to treat menstrual cramps. It’s recommended to take a cup of this infusion every day before menstruation.

The properties of sage allow it to provide quick relief. Although the infusion hasn’t yet been studied, the essential oil ofSalvia sclarea L.can be used in aromatherapy against dysmenorrhea. Studies

show that it inhibits the uterine concentration generated by oxytocin and it’s believed that the infusion has the same effect.

Evening primrose can reduce the symptoms that appear with menopause. It’s also recommended for the relaxation of the uterus, but should be used sparingly manner to avoid adverse reactions.

Menstrual cramps can also appear as part of premenstrual syndrome. In this regard, evening primrose has been shown to be effective in reducing the symptoms of PMS according to several studies

. However, more research is still needed.

Cinnamon infusion provides very beneficial soothing effects to relieve menstrual cramps. It also works as an anticoagulant,

preventing blood platelets from accumulating above normal levels, thus benefiting the flow of menstrual flow.

In addition, a study published in the Journal of International Medical Research

showed that cinnamon is able to decrease the intensity of primary dysmenorrhea. In addition, the consumption of cinnamon infusions not only helps to alleviate menstrual cramps, but also helps to decrease the duration of the symptom.

Although there’s no scientific evidence to confirm that parsley contains components with significant health benefits, it’s considered that infusions may be useful for treating menstrual cramps.
Basil is a plant that has analgesic properties

that could be useful when trying to relieve mild menstrual cramps. Moreover, as it has a delicious aroma, it comforts the person when they drink it.
With fennel

you can also prepare an infusion and relieve those annoying cramps thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

A bibliographic review published in the journal Nutrients

showed that fennel has similar properties to drugs prescribed to treat pain

. In this sense, its soothing effect for primary dysmenorrhea has adequate scientific support.

Coriander seed has anti-inflammatory properties that help hydrate your body and generally relieve menstrual discomfort.

Because of its medicinal properties, rosemary is good for regulating menstrual periods. In fact, a recent study

showed that rosemary capsules decrease menstrual bleeding and primary dysmenorrhea

. However, the effect of the infusion hasn’t yet been thoroughly studied.

Valerian is known for its analgesic and antispasmodic properties, making it one of the best infusions to treat menstrual cramps. In fact, a study by the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care

showed that this plant is able to reduce menstrual bleeding and has analgesic effects in dysmenorrhea.

Star anise is very useful to relieve belly pain during menstruation and relax the body. Anise infusions have analgesic and sedative properties

that reduce abdominal discomfort, such as cramps. It’s recommended to be consumed 2 to 3 times a day during the period.

As you can see, there are several options to stay well hydrated, and at the same time get relief in case of menstrual cramps. However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t use any of these infusions as the only way to treat menstrual cramps

, especially if you continue to feel bad or get worse.

The best thing to do is to consult with your gynecologist about what measures you should take when you feel bad and follow their instructions.