2 Causes of death during or after sexual intercourse

Death can happen during consensual intercourse for a variety of causes, including the physical strain of the action or extremely favourable circumstances. “Dying in the saddle” is a phrase that refers to fatalities that occur during close physical contact…..CONTINUE READING

Have you ever questioned why so many people have lost their lives in intimate bonds with others? Since intimacy (or copulation) can be physically and emotionally draining for all parties involved, both parties’ health is crucial.

According to Medicalnewstoday, several variables can cause death during intimacy, some of which are given below.

1. Abusing drugs

Even though it’s wrong to do so, many people utilize drugs to enhance their intimacy. It is potentially lethal to consume drugs while engaging in s£xual int£rcourse. Strong medicines (such as opiate painkillers) and alcohol are occasionally mixed.

A few people also combine booze with intimate enhancers. Marijuana or cocaine may be used at the event by some long-term drug users. To enjoy a pleasurable copulation experience, all of this is carried out. On the other side, these strong medications endanger their health. more precisely, their hearts of them.

Some intimate enhancers have been known to lower blood pressure, which, when paired with a substance that includes nitrates, can be dangerous. Hypotension is when blood pressure falls too low.

2. Cardiac arrest

Sudden cardiac arrest, often known as SCA, is characterized by an abrupt stop in the heart’s ability to pump blood to the brain and other essential organs. The heart frequently keeps beating throughout a heart attack.

In 17 of the nearly 7000 instances examined, closeness was a contributing factor. People were impacted by an intimate-related SCD on average when they were 38 years old, and about one-third of them were women, which is a lot more than earlier studies had revealed.

Over half of the subjects had heart problems, the study found. Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome, or sudden cardiac death, was the identified condition in the other half of the population…..CONTINUE READING