3 Reasons Why You Should Not Check Your Girlfriend’s Phone

1. You’ll Always Find What You’re Looking For. This is one annoying thing we don’t know. When you are set you see if she is cheating on you or probably she now has a guy somewhere, so much that she is in love with the guy, it is until you find what you’re looking for before you satisfy your Id. Id (pronounced as eed) is a psychological term that means the impulsive (and unconscious) part of our psyche that responds directly and immediately to basic urges, needs, and desires. You will always want to get answers to your distrust. And this may break your relationship if care is not taken.

2. She Is A Beautiful Woman And Everyone Would Want To Associate With Her.

When you know this, you wouldn’t have problems with her. Humans are biologically programmed to just after beautiful things. We tend to associate ourselves with beautiful things. What this does to us is happiness basically. We feel very happy being seen around a beautiful woman. And if this is who you’re in a relationship with, all you can do is talk about it. Learn to express your displeasure.

3. It Would Break Your Relationship.

Hear is like the breaker. When you lose control of your emotions and allow anger to set in, it would only do one thing to your relationship which is to bridge a gap between you two. Learn to avoid checking your partner’s phone. Unless he or she is willing to give you the phone to check. And of course, we have people who would do this even before you check their phone.