3 Ways to Improve your Life✨

I am glad you are here! It means you care about yourself and have the desire to improve your life. Maybe you are in a rut, maybe you are high on life and just want to get higher! Maybe you are coming out of a depression, or just maybe you are reading this and trying to peel yourself out of bed!

Today I would like to offer you 3 things that have improved my life and also help my days get better when I have a shitty one. This is not about toxic positivity, stick with me! Some days we are just plain angry, heavy, sad, bleh, whatever you want to call it, we aren’t ourselves and it is truly a lonely and isolating place to be.

The power of walking daily is unreal. I know I know, we have all heard it to the point it can be annoying. Have you done it though? Have you consistently walked over a period of a week, month, year? How did you feel? I know you felt great, don’t even lie! There is something to be said for getting out, having the sun on your face, and getting your body moving. We all know vitamin D is given to people for depression. Get out there! Even if you do a 10 minute walk around your neighborhood, apartment complex, condo, townhouse, you name it, you will FEEL better in some way, or at least for the length of time you walk. When I miss a day of walking, I will not only physically feel it but mentally as well. Our bodies carry so much energy, we need to expel the extra energy we aren’t using. Is your body stiff? What about exercise? Is that too much for you?

Ways to make walking fun/engaging:

If you knew me in real life instead of this online simulation… 😉 too far? You would know that I absolutely love yoga. In all it’s forms now that I am in my yoga teacher training program as well. Yoga has changed thousands of people’s lives, including mine. I heard once that talk therapy only helps by 30% with trauma.

Now I have no clue if this is true and I take everything with a grain of salt these days, FINALLY. I am also by NO means bashing therapy because I, myself have a therapist and therapy has also changed my life! It is so true though, at least for me that yoga gives me more than therapy ever will. I am in my body, I am standing in my power, I am leading with my breath, my thoughts, my emotions and feelings.

As you move through a yoga practice you connect with YOURSELF. You listen to yourself on what is too much or too little, can you push further? Does your body like that? Do you need to relax out of a pose? This is a beautiful and sacred time to get to know yourself. Before my training (as you can imagine we are doing A LOT of yoga) my husband would call me out and remind me if I hadn’t been consistent with my practice. He knows that yoga grounds me, helps me become more patient, helps with my productivity and self confidence.

I know, again we see this a lot and we hear it all the time. Again I will ask you, have you done it though? Did you like it? Did you feel happier? Did you feel like “hey, at least I can find one good thing in my day”. Even on those shitty days, you can find SOMETHING.

My husband and I do this every day. Even on the days we are not liking each other that much either. It also forces communication when you are both being stubborn and not communicating (If you are doing this with a partner). I have an alarm set every day for 10pm, we both say something we are grateful for that day. In my yoga teacher training, when we arrive at class, we have to write down three things we are grateful for and put it in our gratitude box. Try it! What are you grateful for today? It won’t hurt I promise!
Ways to add gratitude into your daily life:

I hope this article nudges you enough to step out of your comfort zone, peel yourself out of bed or reach a higher vibe throughout your day! I could have added so much more but I will stick with these three for now! Let me know if you try any of these and if you liked it!