4 Everyday One-Minute Habits That Actually Improved My Life in 6 Months

You can change your life in six months. I know it’s a bold statement, but I have proof to back it up. In the last six months,

I wrote more than 100 articles that made a lot of money.
I achieved my dream of making writing my full-time job.
I became a top writer on 10+ topics.
I wrote several viral articles.

It all happened in the span of six months. I actually changed my life in this short time.

I have been writing since 2020 and I didn’t see any traction until I adopted these 4 easy habits six months ago.

1. Faking Self-Believe With a Hi-Five

Bad mornings can’t ruin your day, but they create a lag time that can delay your productivity. If you question your self-worth and your dreams every morning, then there is a lesser chance you’ll have a productive day.

You can’t get rid of your self-doubt, but you can pretend to believe in yourself. Fake it till you make it, baby!

I started a weird morning habit that boosted my self-belief through the roof. It’s prescribed by Mel Robbins, the queen of self-help. This habit gave me the confidence to get the work done. It stopped my self-deprecating monologue, which pointed out every reason for my unworthiness.

This habit will take you less than 20 seconds so you can do it even in a rush.
Here’s what you can do:

Stand in front of the mirror.
Ask yourself, “what does this human needs from me today?”
Say a simple task that will make your day better, out loud.
And then Hi-Five your mirror self.

That’s it, you can conquer your crippling self-doubts and negativity with this simple habit every morning. This simple habit improved my self-esteem and gave me the confidence to pursue writing when I had zero followers.

2. A Quick Fix for a…