4 foods that cause erectile dysfunction in men

Here are some foods men who want to be active sexually need to stay away from.

Erectile dysfunction is such a big problem for men, it affects them psychologically and physically. Do you know that some food men eat can affect their ability to have and maintain erections?

Especially commercially fried foods like yam, akara, potatoes, meat and so on. The only used in frying these foods are hydrogenated oils that are high in trans fat and this causes heart issues that affect the penile heart.

This includes products gotten from cows like milk and cheese. Dairy causes arterial blockage which affects the flow of blood to the ***, heart and even brain. The unnatural food and medicine fed to cows find themselves in their products we consume and that has been known to affect the prostate.

Eating a lot of cow meat is also a very bad idea because it causes arterial damage and heart disease. Your heart health directly affects your *** health. The inability to get and sustain an erection is early sign of heart problems. Other sources of protein like chicken and fish are better than red meat.

Excess alcohol consumption can cause erectile dysfunction because it reduces sexual desire and makes men unable to get an erection. The best kind of alcohol that acts like an aphrodisiac is red wine.