5 Natural Remedies with Eucalyptus You Should Know About

It’s important to keep in mind that the eucalyptus remedies mentioned are for topical use only and at no time should they be ingested, as some of them could be toxic….CONTINUE READING

Eucalyptus is a very effective medicinal plant for treating all types of respiratory tract diseases. Its anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties make it an excellent remedy for mucus

, coughs, sinusitis, etc. Discover 5 natural remedies with eucalyptus that you should have at hand to treat different disorders such as congestion, acne, lice and muscle pain

and contractures, among others.

Eucalyptus is a medicinal plant

that stands out for its properties to treat respiratory diseases. For example, colds, flu, pharyngitis, asthma, or bronchitis

. Below we’ll explain all its healing virtues:

Thanks to its expectorant and anti-inflammatory benefits, eucalyptus is an excellent plant to make vaporizers or vapor rubs. Vaporizers are the vapors of an infusion or decoction that we inhale closely to open the respiratory tract to eliminate mucus.

You can make your own oily lotion to spread on your chest and back. This remedy is similar to some commercially available balms, with the advantage that it’s 100% natural, without any petroleum jelly or other chemical components.

Eucalyptus is a great antiseptic and antibacterial, as well as a good anti-inflammatory

. For this reason, it’s an ideal remedy to prevent and reduce acne and other skin problems.
You can apply it diluted, in the form of a serum

. In this way we can treat this skin problem in a natural way, without altering the skin’s pH.
Lice are a frequent problem

in schools, as they’re easily spread by physical contact. For this reason, it’s common for children to suffer from this annoying problem.

Although there are several products that fight them, in this case we’re going to propose a natural and effective formula. Moreover, it’s very easy to prepare at home.

In the last of our remedies with eucalyptus, we turn to our muscles. Muscle aches can be relieved simply by rubbing with eucalyptus and rosemary alcohol. In addition, combining these two medicinal plants reduces inflammation, soothes pain, and promotes circulationc….CONTINUE READING