5 Signs You Are Married To A Selfish Woman

1. If your wife mostly talks about herself and doesn’t seem interested in your thoughts or feelings, that could be a sign of selfishness. A good relationship involves sharing and caring about each other’s experiences.

2. Pay attention to how she reacts to your emotions. If she doesn’t show much understanding or dismisses your feelings, it might mean she’s not considering your needs, indicating a self-centered attitude.

3. If your wife always insists on having things her way without considering your opinion, it could be a sign of selfishness. A healthy marriage involves compromise and making decisions together.

4. Think about your finances. If your wife spends money without thinking about your financial goals or the well-being of the family, it might be a sign of selfish behavior.

5. Consider household responsibilities. A selfish spouse might not contribute their fair share to chores or taking care of the home. In a good marriage, both partners work together to create a balanced and fair environment.