5 Signs Your Girlfriend Sees You As Her Second Option

1. Not a Priority. If you often feel like you’re not a top priority in her life, that could be a sign. Maybe she cancels plans often or doesn’t make time for you when you need her. If you notice she’s always busy with other things and rarely makes time for you, it’s a hint that you might not be her first choice.

2. Emotionally Distant.

When someone isn’t fully invested in a relationship, they tend to keep their emotions guarded. If she seems distant or avoids talking about deep feelings or future plans with you, it could be because she’s not fully committed to the relationship.

3. Communication Gaps.

In a healthy relationship, communication is key. If she only reaches out to you occasionally or doesn’t respond to your messages promptly, it might mean you’re not a priority in her life. Pay attention to how often and how openly she communicates with you.

4. No Future Talks.

When someone sees a future with you, they’re usually excited to talk about it. If she avoids discussions about long-term plans or gets uncomfortable when you bring up topics like moving in together or meeting each other’s families, it might be because she’s not envisioning a future with you as her top choice.

5. External Influences Rule.

If she often lets other people or things like work, friends, or hobbies take precedence over spending time with you, it’s a sign that you’re not her main focus. When someone prioritizes you, they make an effort to spend quality time together and prioritize your relationship over other things.