5 Signs Your Partner Is Madly In Love With Another Partner

There are five simple signs to watch out for if you think your partner might be in love with someone else:

1. Less Time Together.

If your partner is spending a lot less time with you and more time with someone else, it could be a sign they have strong feelings for that person.

2. Keeping Secrets.

If your partner starts keeping secrets from you or avoids talking about their interactions with someone else, they might be hiding their feelings for that person.

3. Talking About Someone Else All the Time.

If your partner keeps talking about another person all the time, praising their qualities or achievements, it could be a sign they are deeply interested in that person.

4. Not Interested in You Anymore.

If your partner suddenly loses interest in spending time with you, talking to you, or doing things together, it could mean they have strong feelings for someone else.

5. Getting Defensive.

If you ask your partner about their feelings for someone else and they get defensive or try to avoid the topic, it might mean they are trying to hide their true feelings.