5 Small Signs They’re Attracted To You

You don’t always know when someone likes you and wants to see you naked. Maybe this article on my signs of attraction will help.

When I first met my partner, I wasn’t interested in dating. I had just moved to Michigan and was mentally lambasted from my stint of online dating in Chicago.

I was tired of the games. The buffet-style swiping. The corny dates and superficial dating hierarchy of status, looks, “what do you do for work?” questions, and so on. Yet, I’ve always enjoyed good people who create more smiles, laughs, adventures, and intelligent conversations. So when I got to Michigan, I posted a Hinge profile and just said, “Just looking for friends to adventure with.”

I matched and met a neuroscientist on a hike on a crappy trail near Corunna, Michigan. A place not exactly known to be a hotbed of immeasurable natural beauty. But we both liked hiking, so why not?

Even after a few miles of hiking, I wasn’t even thinking about anything other than getting to know her. I treated her like I’d treat any friend. I was playful. Goofy. I asked questions about how her family and science life were going. What was the first thing she did every morning when she woke up? What she looked forward to most. How she liked living in Michigan. I even veered off the trail to pee (I mean, she couldn’t see me) for a quick moment, which if it had been a real date, I would have held my micro-sized bladder at bay for a while longer to risk embarrassment.

I suppose none of the dating games really applied to our hike because in my mind, I was looking for a compatible friend to hang out with in Michigan who had some international experience, liked to adventure, travel, and think about the world from a different perspective.

Looking back, this “friendship” was a sign of the attraction that happened later.

This sign is harder to see than you think (is that almost a pun?) If someone is staring, they either think you’re attractive or admiring something about you; how you dress, how you move, how you talk, what you say, how you look, how pretty your…