5 Smarter ways to help your partner out of bad mood

Everyone has their fair share of good days and bad, when your partner is in a bad mood – it can have a way of affecting you in a way your own moods don’t.

For instance, it’s hard not to take it personally when your partner shuts down, even if their mood has absolutely nothing to do with you. if you love them, it’s only natural to want to help.

In some cases, when you ask your partner how you can help, it can be frustrating for them because they really don’t know what to tell you. Trying to deal on their own may seem like the easiest option for them, sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t.

Although it does vary from person to person, there are still general things to keep in mind if you want to help pull your partner out of a bad mood. However, here are the ways to help your partner out of a bad mood, that won’t leave you feeling bad for trying:

1. Let them be

When your partner is in a bad mood, you may have the urge to hug them and love them until they feel better. But for some, all that affection may have the opposite effect, giving your partner space if they need it is really important. More often than not, they will likely appreciate it. Make sure your partner knows you are there for them if they choose to not talk about it.

2. Maintain your good mood

In every relationship it’s important to have boundaries. When your partner is in a bad mood, it can affect yours as well, don’t let your partner’s mood drag you down. You can empathize, but don’t allow it to ruin your own day. Have boundaries so you can stay neutral towards them, this will help allow them to feel accepted.

3. Divert And Distract

Sometimes a little distraction can help. You don’t need to go out and do anything big. You can take a walk around the neighborhood or put on your partner’s favorite show – taking a quick trip to the local animal shelter to play with puppies if that’s your thing. It can be an effective mood booster and an easy way to take their minds off of things. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as it’s something positive that can help temporarily distract your partner from their troubles.

4. Keep it all about them

This may seem like an obvious tip, but don’t make your partner feel guilty for being in a bad mood. You may not be doing it intentionally, but it can come off that way. For example, don’t say something like, “Give me a smile, it’ll make you feel happy” or “When you feel down, I feel down. Don’t make it about you, make it about them.

5. Send them good vibes

Sending your partner “good, loving vibes” to help them get out of a bad mood might help that energy rub off on them. Take a few minutes to meditate and get yourself into a positive space. Once you do that, imagine your partner surrounded in a cloud of positivity and good vibes. You can even send them a quick message about how much you love and care for them. Keep it short and sweet!