6 Medical Reasons Why You Should Eat Egg

Eggs are high in vitamins and minerals, which are important components of a balanced diet. Eggs are a cheap and readily available food in many regions of the world. According to WebMD com, here are Healthy reasons to eat more egg in a day.

1. They aid in brain sharpening.

Vitamin D, which is good for your gray matter and difficult to get from food, is found in eggs. They also have choline, which helps the nerve cells (neurons) in your brain communicate with one another. Because of its critical role in brain development, choline is also essential for pregnant and lactating mothers.

2. They are beneficial to your eyes.

The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are known to help prevent eye illnesses such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. They’re also found in green, leafy foods like spinach and kale. However, eggs are a superior supply. This is due to the fat in their bodies, which makes it easier for your body to absorb nutrients.

3. They’re good for your heart.

Overall, eating more of them does not appear to increase the risk of heart disease. Even patients with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes who followed a high-egg weight-loss diet were heart-healthy. People who ate around an egg a day were nearly 20% less likely than non-egg eaters to acquire heart disease, according to a recent Chinese study.

4. They can reduce your chances of having a stroke.

Though research varies, it appears that eating an egg every day may reduce your risk. People who had roughly one a day were nearly 30% less likely to die from hemorrhagic stroke than those who had none, according to a recent Chinese study.

5. They Aid in the Production of “Good” Cholesterol.

When people eat three or more eggs per day, their “good” cholesterol, called HDL, appears to rise. LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, increases as well. Individual bits of each, however, grow in size. This makes it more difficult for the bad things to harm you while also making it easier for the good stuff to clean it away.

6. They Provide a Balanced Protein Source.

One egg has 6 grams of it, including all nine “essential” amino acids, the protein’s building blocks. This is significant since these are the ones that your body cannot produce on its own. The egg white contains around half of the protein and only a minor amount of fat and cholesterol.

Finally: Eggs are, in many ways, nature’s ideal food. According to studies, eating up to three whole eggs every day is completely safe. There is no proof that going beyond that is detrimental; it is simply an “uncharted area” that has not been researched.