6 Vagina Facts Every Woman Should Know About.

Every woman has a vagina but not many really know much about it. This is usually as a result of misconceptions or ignorance. And most people grow up in societies that does not encourage discussion of such topics.

In this article, I’ll be talking about 6 vagina facts all women should know about in order to be enlightened. See them below;

1. The real name isn’t Vagina but Vulva.

More than 90 percent of the time, when people make mention of the vagina, they actually mean the vulva. The vagina is actually the part inside the body. It is a muscular canal that connects the uterus to the outside of your body.. What you see outside that touches your underwear is actually the vulva.

6 Vagina Facts Every Woman Should Know About.

2. You don’t pee from your vagina.

This would be a shocking news to most women but it is really true. According to research, while all men pee from their penis, women actually pee from their urethra. The urethra is the first hole in your vulva before your vagina.

3. Vaginas are supposed to have a smell.

Most people think that vaginas are supposed to smell like roses. However, that isn’t the truth. The bacterias contained in the vagina of a woman are meant to have a smell like other bacterias. The tanginess that can occasionally be smelt from the vagina is normal so no one should feel bad about it. The smell could be reduced by the use of soaps, perfumes and others.

4. The size of your vagina is not related to your body size or shape.

The length of vaginas varies significantly so a taller woman can have a shorter vagina and vice-versa. Its definitely not about the size, height and shape of a woman.

6 Vagina Facts Every Woman Should Know About.
5. Your vagina changes as you get older.

Just like your other body parts, the vagina of a woman can change as she gets older in life. When old age and menopause kicks in, the vagina cannot be the same.

6. Your vagina will darken during pregnancy and menopause.

Some of these changes include thinning of the vulval skin due to the hormonal changes of menopause, or a darkening of the vulval skin during pregnancy