6 Ways HIV Can Be Transmitted Apart From Unprotected Sèx

HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus which attacks the immune system and can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) if it is not treated. It is well known that one of the most common means of transmission of the virus is through unprotected sèxual contact. However, there are several other methods of infection which can occur, and it is important to understand how the virus can be contracted in order to prevent it from spreading.

Blood Transfusions and Blood Products

According to webmd, One of the most significant sources of the virus is through receiving blood or blood products which are contaminated with HIV. This, fortunately, is not as common as it used to be due to the advances in medical technology which allow blood to be screened and tested to ensure it is free from any such harmful viruses. However, if a person receives a tainted product, it is to be expected that they would also become infected.

mother-to-child Transmission

HIV can also be passed on from mother to child, either before or during birth, or through breastfeeding. If a woman is pregnant and has HIV, there are preventative measures which can be taken to reduce the risk of the virus being transmitted, such as taking antiretroviral drugs and avoiding breastfeeding.

Sharing Needles and Other Drug Use Equipment

One of the most common methods of HIV transmission is through sharing needles, syringes and other injection related equipment with somebody who is HIV positive, or using such equipment which has been used by someone HIV positive. HIV is known to survive in blood and other bodily fluids, meaning such equipment can be a major source of transmitting the virus, even if the user is not visibly bleeding.

Contaminated Medical Instrumentation

Another lesser known means of infection is through contaminated medical instrumentation, such as needle sticks or surgical equipment. While it is rare, if the equipment has been used on someone who is HIV positive, then the recipient too can be at risk of a transmission.

Tattoos and Piercing

Tattoos and body piercings can be a source of HIV transmission if the equipment and needles used are not sterilised correctly. If the needles and other materiels are shared or reused, there is an increased risk of infection, especially if they are not properly cleaned.

Oral Sèx

HIV can also be transmitted oral sèx in some circumstances, as the virus can be present in saliva. While the risk of transmission is much lower than during vàginal or anal intercourse, it is possible, and so it is important to ensure that any sexual contact is with someone who is known to be HIV free, or use some form of protection.

Finally, HIV has the potential to be transmitted in other, rarer ways, such as when it is present in a mother’s amniotic fluid and a baby is infected in utero, or through a blood transfusion in a country where such donations are not screened.

In conclusion, it is important to remember that HIV can be transmitted through a variety of means, some more common than others. While sexual activity is one of the more common methods of transmission, there are a variety of other methods which need to be considered as well. It is important to be aware of the other ways in which HIV can be transmitted in order to take the right preventative measures, and to reduce the chance of the virus spreading.