7 Things Productive People Don’t Do

Some experts believe people are inherently made to be unproductive and are content to be in a state of rest and relaxation. But the truth is that productivity….CONTINUE READING

isn’t just about work and work alone: It’s about finding a balance between work, play, and rest. When you’re more productive, you get things done and have more free time to do the things you enjoy. Let’s find out the seven things productive people don’t do and how you can beat those procrastination tendencies.

Productive people know that if you have a job to do, you focus

on that job and that job alone. Anything that distracts from the task is wasted time. Productive people understand this and keep their distractions to a minimum. They also limit the time they spend on social media

, avoid checking email too often, and don’t waste time with people who aren’t going to help them get things done.

Productive people focus on one thing at a time and give their full attention to it. They don’t spread themselves too thin trying to do many things simultaneously. They know that multitasking

is counterproductive and leads to more mistakes. And when mistakes show up, they have to spend time correcting them. That’s a time-waster! Instead of multitasking, the productive person aims to single-task

, focusing on one task at a time until they achieve their goal.

Productivity isn’t about being perfect

; it’s about getting things done, which doesn’t require perfectionism. In fact, perfectionism

fosters procrastination because it makes getting started more intimidating. You feel like what you do won’t be good enough, so it’s safer not to start. Banish that thought! Getting something done doesn’t mean the output must be perfect 100% of the time. The first time through, it’s a work in progress. You can always buff it up later. The key is to get the momentum going by starting.

One of the biggest productivity killers is procrastination

. When you put off important tasks, you’re less able to prioritize other tasks you need to do. Instead of acting, you fall into the trap of responding only to whatever item is most urgent. This causes other projects to end up on the back burner until they become urgent, and you feel overwhelmed. Conquer the procrastination habit, as it will only cause problems for you down the line.

Productive people know when they need help or when someone else can do it quicker. They’re not afraid to delegate

that task to someone capable and free them up to do something else. That’s why virtual assistants are so popular. They increase productivity.

People with high productivity know that the only way to do their best isn’t to overload themselves and to keep their to-do list manageable. It’s easy to fall into the overcommitment

tap. You’re getting ready to leave work, and your boss stops you just as you’re walking out the door and gives you a new task. Then someone in the office asks if you can take on a little more responsibility. Oh, and don’t forget the project you committed to do for the local community center.

All these commitments add up, and before you know it, you’re working yourself into exhaustion trying to stay on top of everything. It’s easy to over-commit without even realizing it. Once you get into that situation, it’s hard to climb out again. When you over-commit, something suffers, whether it’s job performance, family relationships, or your mental and physical health.

How early you wake up

could be the key to your productivity. People who wake up early get more done in the morning. Here’s why. It’s easier for early risers to avoid distractions and complete tasks with fewer interruptions from colleagues or friends during the day. They’re also less stressed than those who spend their mornings rushing around. The lower your stress level, the happier you’ll be.

Of course, some people are night owls by nature. If you’re not a morning person and forcing yourself to get up early doesn’t work for you, don’t beat yourself up. But if you’re not waking up as early as possible because of habit or laziness, that’s something you can change.

Being productive is like dieting. Neither is fun in the beginning because you have to give up things you enjoy before reaping the benefits. Being productive is a huge benefit but getting there can be hard if your current lifestyle doesn’t support it. Try making small changes gradually. Get up a little earlier and work on not overcommitting. Tackle one productivity habit at a time, and you’ll discover your productivity will gradually increase over time. Take it one step at a time….CONTINUE READING