7 Ways a Man Knows Immediately That He’s Found “The One”

Men only care about a woman’s look.

They are tantalized by a woman’s beauty. It’s only about physical beauty and how hot they are.

Men instantly fall in love with a good-looking woman.

Men’s magazines and the general trope about men is that they will fall for the most beautiful woman they see.

While I’d say this true to some extent, I can also add that looks actually matter more to men when they are not serious about someone.

Men appreciate and value looks on a woman until they are looking for “the one”. In the pursuit of “the one”, looks falls away from the top of their desirability list.

When it comes to falling in love and a lifetime partnership, give men the benefit of the doubt. They are looking beyond the superficial and looking for other substantive qualities in this potential partner.

These traits are not easily known or identifiable but I’m going to break it down for you here.
7 Qualities That Help Men Know They’ve Found “the One”
1. She’s Into You and You Can Tell

Most of the time we really can’t tell if a woman is into us! Even if there’s lots of eye contact and signaling that someone’s interested, we may not pick up on it.

If a woman is interested in you, starts talking to you, and compliments you. You get the vibe that she’s into you.

You have confirmation that she’s into you and that by itself is a quality that men appreciate. Most of the time we are thinking this is not going to go well and we are going to get rejected or ignored.

A woman who shows interest in us immediately gets our attention. Believe it or not, we don’t always know a woman is into us. Even if she’s trying to get our attention or discreetly signal her interest, we don’t pick up the clues!

In a world of likes for likes, we like women who like us! We like a woman who’s into us and lets us know she’s interested.
2. You’re Able to Be Yourself…