8 Medical Problems That Can Cause A Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac arrest is a medical condition which occurs when there is a sudden, unexpected loss of heart function, breathing and consciousness. Cardiac arrest usually occurs due to complications of certain untreated medical conditions in the body that can affect the heart.…..CONTINUE READING

According to the medical facts found in Mayo Clinic, here are 8 medical problems that can cause a cardiac arrest.

1. Coronary artery disease

This is one of the medical problems that can cause a cardiac arrest. Coronary artery disease occurs when your arteries are clogged with cholesterol and other deposits, which prevents blood flow to the heart thereby increasing the risk of having a cardiac arrest.

2. Valvular heart disease

When you have a valvular heart disease, it can cause the narrowing of your heart valves thereby stretching your heart muscles. This stretching of the heart muscles can cause a cardiac arrest.

3. Electrical problems in the heart

Having an electrical problem in the heart can disrupt the rhythmic heartbeat pattern, thereby resulting to a cardiac arrest.

4. Congenital heart disease

This is a heart defect that is present at birth, and it can cause a sudden cardiac arrest in children. Having a corrective heart surgery can still make you susceptible to cardiac arrest.

5. Enlarged heart

Thus is a medical condition which occurs when there is an abnormal stretch or thickening of the heart muscles. The enlargement of the heart muscular walls will result to a cardiac arrest.

6. High blood pressure

When you have a prolonged untreated high blood pressure, it can increase your risk of developing a heart disease which can result to cardiac arrest.

7. Diabetes

When you have a prolonged untreated diabetes in your body, the high blood sugar levels will make you develop heart problems that can cause a cardiac arrest.

8. High blood cholesterol

When you have an untreated high blood cholesterol, it can cause heart problems which can result to cardiac arrest..…..CONTINUE READING