8 Signs Your Kidneys Might Need Some Attention

Two bean-shaped organs make up the kidneys in the renal system. They aid in the process of eliminating waste via urination. In addition, they aid in the filtration of blood before it is returned to the heart. The kidneys handle numerous essential tasks.

When the kidneys aren’t working as they should, salt builds up in the body. Swelling of the ankles, feet, and hands are symptoms of kidney disease. It’s not pleasant, and it might give you a headache if your kidneys or fluid retention causes it.

Many medical conditions, including heart disease, liver ailment, and varicose veins, may lead to the swelling of the lower extremities, known as edema. Swelling of the hands, cheeks, and joints occurs when the kidneys cannot remove excess fluid from the body.

One of the signs is puffy eyes. Mild swelling may not necessarily indicate kidney disease. Nephrotic syndrome is suspected when there is edema of the face, hands, and feet.

If you sustain damage, protein can become lost in your urine. Leakage of three grams or more of protein per twenty-four hours characterizes nephrotic syndrome.

You’re worn out, depleted of willpower, and unable to focus. Damage to the kidneys may lead to poisonous blood. The stress and weakness you feel are direct results of this issue. Patients may feel tired because of low blood oxygen levels.

How often do you need to go to the bathroom throughout the night? You may have an issue with your kidneys. Infections of the prostate or urinary tract are possible in men.

Numerous folks report being unable to urinate or experiencing discomfort while trying to. An extended stop to use the toilet may not