8 Things You Should Never Do at Night Before Bed

According to statistics, almost 27% of people have permanent problems falling asleep and 73% of people occasionally face this problem. But the causes of lack of sleep are not always related to health problems.

Some night habits that seem quite normal can actually have a negative impact on sleep and even cause insomnia. We put together a few things you should stop doing before bed if you want a good night’s rest….CONTINUE READING

Things You Should Never Do Before Bed

8. Smoking

Like caffeine, nicotine has a stimulating effect on our bodies. It increases heart rate and blood pressure and stimulates brain activity. All of these processes do not contribute to healthy sleep.

Even if you sleep, the quality of your sleep will not be satisfactory: smokers are more likely to experience insomnia than non-smokers.

If you don’t want to quit, try not to smoke for 1.5 to 2 hours before bed. This will help you fall asleep faster and your sleep will be healthier.

7. Exercising

In general, exercise has a good effect on sleep, as it can help us fall asleep more quickly and relieve stress. But it only works if you finish your workout 3-4 hours (or even 6 hours) before bed.

And if you’ve just returned from the gym and go straight to bed, your awakened body won’t let you sleep, especially if you take a hot shower that will arouse your nervous system.

6. Drinking-Water

8 Things You Should Never Do at Night Before Bed

A small amount of liquid before bed is good for your body. But if you drink a lot of water, you will probably wake up at night and have bags under your eyes in the morning.

This does not mean that you should stop drinking water at night: you just need to experiment and discover the right amount of liquid that will not cause these problems.

Doctors say that, in general, a glass and a half of water is generally considered the norm for most people.

5. Napping

8 Things You Should Never Do at Night Before Bed

A nap, in addition to exercising, can have a positive effect on sleep if you choose the right time. To get a good night’s sleep, you can take a nap between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.

And if you nap in the evening, it ruins your daily routine, which means it will be difficult to fall asleep at night. However, even a nap during the day can affect your nighttime sleep.

To gain the most out of your nap, sleep at the same time each day and take a nap for no more than an hour and a half.  By the way, it is recommended that people suffering from insomnia to refrain from taking naps.

4. Being Engaged in Creative Activities

Art is often considered a good way to rest, but this is not entirely true when it comes to the type of rest you need before bed.

If you draw, write, or play an instrument, your brain will be very active. That’s why if you stay up too late, you’re likely to stay up until the morning.

Creative activities require a lot of effort. To calm down, the brain needs some time. That’s why it’s best to avoid any excellent brain activity an hour before bedtime – you may read a book or meditate instead.

3. Use of Electronic Devices

8 Things You Should Never Do at Night Before Bed

It is recommended to turn off the laptop and phone as these devices emit light that is harmful to sleep. It’s also best to avoid using a phone to read a book before bed.

Instead, choose a printed book or special electronic device that is less harmful to your eyes and sleep.

You should also stop working at night, otherwise, there is a good chance that you will spend a few hours lying in bed and thinking about all the chores. Instead, clear your mind, create a plan for tomorrow, and write it down.

2. Feeling Nervous

8 Things You Should Never Do at Night Before Bed

Stormy emotions do not contribute to proper sleep. If you like to watch the news or argue with someone on the Internet before bed, don’t be surprised if you can’t sleep.

Even safer things can cause trouble sleeping – a scary or sad book, for example. Positive emotions are not so good in this case, as you can get very excited after an important soccer game or an interesting conversation with a friend to go to bed.

You must make sure that your mind is calm and relaxed before going to sleep. Try to deal with anything that triggers strong emotions for at least an hour before bed.

1. Taking a Hot Shower

8 Things You Should Never Do at Night Before Bed

Many people think that a hot bath contributes to good sleep. But doctors have shown that it is really a temperature difference that helps us fall asleep: the greater the difference, the more we want to sleep. So if you have a lot of energy, take a hot or cold bath.

The high temperature of the water causes problems with sleep and affects skin tone, as it stimulates blood flow to the upper layers of the skin. If you take a hot shower for more than 10 minutes, you will remove the natural fat layer and your skin will be more vulnerable….CONTINUE READING