9 Simple Techniques To Fall Asleep Fast

Sleeping well is important for physical, mental, and emotional health since it is during sleep that your body consolidates memory and learning, replenishes energy, strengthens the immune system, restores tissues, and you dream.

Sleep deprivation causes several health problems, such as tiredness and irritation, but it can also promote the development of anxiety. That’s why it’s important to sleep at least 7–8 hours a day.

Here are some techniques that will help you fall asleep without any problems:

1. To sleep well you must reach the deep relaxation phase of sleep, which is often difficult to achieve. Therefore, it is important to determine a bedtime and respect that schedule, even on weekends or holidays. This way, your body will get used to falling asleep and waking up at the same time every day.

2. Before going to sleep, you should avoid any item that keeps you turned on and generates stimuli, such as screens in general, but especially cell phones. The television, computer, or other electronic devices should be turned off about 30 minutes before the ideal time to go to bed. These devices, like video games, excite the brain, making you more agitated and damaging your sleep.

3. It is also not recommended to drink an alcoholic drink minutes before bed. Give preference to chamomile tea, green tea, or hot milk, but drink it half an hour before bed.

When you drink juices, teas, water, etc., your body tends to eliminate more liquid through urine, which causes you to wake up during the night. To prevent this from happening, set a time limit for drinks in general, especially those containing caffeine.

Coffee consumption should be done before 5 p.m. as the substance takes several hours to be processed, which will inhibit the hormonal action responsible for relaxing and preparing the body for sleep.

4. Avoiding lights is very important so that your body understands that it is time to rest. Therefore, prepare a dark environment so that you can sleep without difficulty. Before going to sleep, leave just one lamp on…