9 Things Your Body Experiences When You Sip Water Right Away After Waking Up

Keeping yourself hydrated is pivotal to maintaining good body health and keeping it well satisfied. According to “MedicineNet”, the benefits of drinking water first thing in the morning affect most parts of your health.

Some of the things that occur in your body if you have consumed water in the morning include:

1. Better hair

Your hair is twenty-five per cent water. A little amount of water in your hair can make it dry and brittle.

Consuming water in the morning can help in increasing its shine and strength.

2. Weight loss

Water has no calories but can assist you to feel full. Sometimes you may even mistake thirst for hunger.

This can make you eat excessively. The intake of enough water will restrict this problem.

3. Increased toxin flushing

Consuming a sufficient amount of water will assist in eliminating harmful substances from all parts of your body.

This will assist your immune system and make you feel better.

4. Increased energy

Besides the energetic boost from your increased metabolism, intake of water on an empty stomach also make your red blood cell count increase.

These added cells lead to a rise in the amount of energy in your body.

5. A boosted immune system

Consuming water on an empty stomach helps balance your lymph system, a vital part of your immune system.

This makes it less difficult for your body to fight off infections.

6. Fewer kidney stones.

Water helps in diluting the acid in your kidneys, which prevents the formation of many kidney stones.

7. Decreased heartburn

Intake of water first thing in the morning will dilute your stomach acid and assist you in the easy digestion of foods.

8. Better skin

Dehydration can cause harm to your skin. Drinking water in the morning will result in better-hydrated skin and lower wrinkles and will increase the natural glow of your skin.

9. Fewer headaches

Dehydration normally leads to headaches. By consuming water first thing in the morning, you can lessen the number of headaches that you experience.

Ensure to drink water first in the morning before taking your breakfast.