Ten Common Signs Of Depression No One Should Ignore

We live in times when people who we thought were happy suddenly decide to commit suicide. One major cause of this issue is that many people are still ignoring the signs of depression. Someone who is depressed may seem happy on the outside but has prolonged sadness or a lack of interest in life. It is normal to feel sad, lonely, or depressed after losing someone or having certain struggles in life.

However, being depressed for a prolonged time is a mood disorder that can keep you away from your life. You need to know the signs of depression and need to seek medical help as soon as you start observing them. In this article, I’ll like to enlighten you about signs that show you’re depressed according to WebMD

1. You experience trouble concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions

2. Feeling helpless, guilty or worthless

3. You are always pessimistic and do not have hope of making a change.

4. Lose of sleep, waking up very early in the morning or sleeping too much can indicate depression

5. You’re easily irritated or crankiness often

6. You suddenly find yourself eating too much or losing your appetite for food

7. Having suicidal thoughts or even attempting to commit suicide

8. Feeling sad, anxious, or empty persistently

9. Losing pleasure in life

10. Having digestive problems that don’t get better even after receiving treatment