Three Countries Where Women Can Marry More Than One Husband

Polyandry, a unique practice where a woman can have more than one husband, is not widely recognized globally. In most places, monogamy, where one person is married to another, is the usual way. But, let’s dive into a few places where polyandry exists, even if it’s not fully accepted or legalized.

While polyandry is not a common form of marriage worldwide, there are some countries and regions where this practice is acknowledged, if not widely embraced. Understanding these unique aspects of marriage sheds light on the diversity of cultural practices around the globe.

1. Tibet (China)

In certain parts of Tibet, China, polyandry has been historically practiced, especially in a system called “fraternal polyandry.” Here, a woman may marry multiple brothers, and they share her as their wife. However, due to changes in society, economy, and culture, polyandry has become less prevalent in recent times.

2. Nepal

Heading to the Himalayas, we find some communities in Nepal practicing polyandry, known as “fraternal polyandry.” In this setup, a woman may marry multiple brothers, helping to maintain family resources in regions with limited land and resources. The goal is to keep the family land intact rather than dividing it among several heirs.

3. Madagascar

In certain regions of Madagascar, specifically among the Malagasy ethnic group, polyandry is practiced to some extent. Referred to as “tandroka,” a woman may have multiple husbands, and these husbands might also have other wives.