10 Mistakes Most Men Make With Women

These tips for correcting the mistakes aren’t about drilling things into your head or assuming what men “really want.” Instead, think of them as reminders we all need sometimes, especially when feelings get involved.

Sometimes, when we really like someone or our relationships hit bumps, we might fall back into behaviours that don’t work well. Remember, everyone is different, and these are just general pointers, not absolute rules.
Why Men Make Mistakes With Women

Why do many men fall into a “beta backslide” when they’re strongly attracted to a woman? It’s because they lack confidence and have been conditioned to act this way since childhood. This conditioning is pervasive in movies, TV shows, and advice from friends and family. It feels impossible to escape this pattern, and whenever they doubt their actions, they receive advice from these sources that leads them astray.

Through this article, I have noted the 10 most common mistakes men make in relationships. If you struggle with any of these mistakes, it’s crucial to start working on correcting them if you want to have success in your relationships with women.
1. You’re too much of a nice guy

This can be confusing for men and is one of the biggest mistakes they make with women. Women often say they want a “nice guy,” but they don’t really mean that. Many beautiful women are not with nice guys; they’re often with so-called “jerks.” But are these guys really jerks? Not necessarily.

They’re often just prioritising themselves and speaking their minds. Women respect and admire these men, which sparks and maintains attraction. Many of these men are kind, generous, and respectful, not bullies. Being “nice” doesn’t create attraction; what truly sparks attraction is the behaviour often associated with being a “jerk.” This is a cold, hard fact, regardless of what others may say.
2. Thinking you need money and good looks

This is another common mistake men make with women. Looks and money do matter to women, especially for long-term planning, but attraction is primarily about personality, vibe, and behaviour.

While being good-looking or wealthy can initially help attract women, without a fun and attractive personality, even handsome and wealthy men struggle to maintain a woman’s attraction.

Having the right personality traits will naturally draw women to you. Ever wondered how some guys get beautiful girls? It’s often because of these traits.
3. Trying to convince her to like you

Many men believe they can convince a woman who shows little interest to feel differently, but this is needy and desperate behaviour. Trying to use logic to change a woman’s emotions doesn’t work; she either feels it or she doesn’t. Listing your good qualities or bragging about your accomplishments won’t change her feelings.

Women care about how they feel about you, not how you feel about them. If a woman isn’t showing interest, it’s best to move on and focus on interested women. Don’t try to become her friend in hopes of changing her mind; it won’t work, and you’ll only waste your time.
4. Trying to buy her love and affection

Many men believe that women only like them if they have money, but this doesn’t increase a woman’s attraction to you. In fact, it can be seen as supplication, indicating that you don’t feel good enough on your own.

Buying gifts and extravagant dates can lower your value in a responsible woman’s eyes because a high-value man should be able to attract her without materialistic gestures.

It’s okay to buy gifts when you’re in a relationship, but you shouldn’t overdo it or use it as a means to woo her. Remember, you should give gifts because you want to, not to get something in return.
5. Sharing how you feel too soon

Many men think that sharing their feelings with a woman will make her fall in love with them, but they often do it too soon. When it comes to attraction, women care about how they feel about you, not just how you feel about them.

If you don’t give her a little mystery and let her wonder where things are going, she’ll lose interest quickly. It’s like spoiling the end of a book or movie; it’s predictable and boring.

If you really like her, take it slow. Let her come to you. If she likes you too, you won’t lose her to another guy. Just focus on going on dates, having fun, and gradually progressing the relationship. That’s it. But this does not mean that you should make her wait on your confession for so long.
6. Giving away all your power

If you, as a man, believe that fulfilling a woman’s every desire will make her happy and increase her liking for you, you are accurately wrong. Even some women think this is what they want until they experience a man who simply gives in to their wishes, leading to feelings of disgust and a loss of respect.

Maintaining a woman’s respect is equal to sustaining her attraction. Although they may not admit it, I say that women actually desire a man who holds power in the relationship. They have no respect for men they can easily control or manipulate.

While they may test boundaries, you need to recognise this behaviour and assert yourself. Interestingly, standing up for yourself can make them like you even more, as it demonstrates strength and confidence, qualities that women admire in a man.
7. Seeking her approval

This ties in with giving away all your power. I cringe when I remember a guy I haven’t even started dating asking me for permission to attend a wedding with his friends. Like! Men who seek a woman’s approval or permission, especially on petty things, are not attractive. Women prefer men who do what they want, say what they want, and take what they want within reason.

They have little respect or admiration for men who act like children seeking their mother’s approval. I’m not saying you should mistreat women or disregard their input, but don’t do things just to please them. You should be a decisive leader, and women expect that in a man.
8. You don’t get how attraction works

You should understand that men and women experience attraction differently. Men are immediately drawn to young and beautiful women, mainly because of fertility, not necessarily age. Women are instinctively attracted to confident, emotionally strong men who are successful and have high status. It’s about how a man makes her feel.

You need to accept this because it won’t change in your lifetime. Learn how to talk and flirt with women, study attractive body language, and practice communicating with them. With these skills, women will naturally be drawn to you, regardless of your appearance. A woman’s attraction to a man is all biological and psychological wiring; it’s instinctual.
9. You don’t “get it.”

Women want men who understand them, even if they can’t fully explain what “it” means. Getting it means knowing what to do and how to act in any situation with women, like setting a date or recognising hints of interest. It also means knowing when to give her space and how to comfort her when needed.

Women can tell when you don’t know what to do, and they prefer authenticity. Asking a woman to tell you what to do is seen as inauthentic, and women dislike having to teach men how to be men.
10. You don’t seek help

Male egos often stop men from seeking help, or they feel embarrassed admitting they need it. But it’s not admitting defeat; it’s like going to school to learn and become a productive member of society. Seeking help in the right way is like educating yourself informally.

Once you commit to this path, you’ll feel better about yourself—more confident, driven, and even better-looking. You’ll notice more attention from women, improvements in your social life, and maybe even better job opportunities or starting your own business.
In conclusion…

You might make more mistakes than what you just read, but fixing the mistakes you read here will increase your success with women and improve your interactions and relationships.

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