Reasons why a man’s penis may shrink and reduce in size

A man’s genitalia will shrink and become extremely tiny for whatever reason. This will not only impair the man’s self-esteem, but it will almost certainly cause problems in his relationship. As a result, men must understand the causes of this tragic situation.

The following is a list of 4 reasons why the male genitalia may shrink, according to Healthline.

1. Erections are created when the erectile tubes are engorged with blood, hence lower blood flow results in smaller or weaker erections. Fatty deposits develop in men’s arteries as they age, decreasing blood flow to the genital area. Scar tissue buildup after years of modest intercourse and sports injuries is another cause of penile shrinking.

2. The length of the male genitalia can also be affected by certain lifestyle choices. What you put in your mouth has a significant impact on your health. You must control what you eat and drink if you want to keep your genitals at the proper size. According to medical news today, habitual smokers or drinkers who are male frequently have their private organs shrink in size. This is because certain chemical compounds found in cigarettes and alcohol can cause damage to the blood vessels.

3. Peyronie’s Disease is a chronic ailment that affects over 100 thousand people in Nigeria each year. When specific behaviours impose stress on the male genitalia, it develops internal fibrous scar tissues, which means the male private organ bends and becomes short. Erections become bent and uncomfortable as a result of this condition.

4. The effects of weight increase, particularly around the abdomen, might be concerning as you become older. A rise in weight might make a man’s genitalia appear smaller. However, it may be merely a trick of the light. Once those extra pounds are eliminated, the male private organ will revert to its normal length and