Doctor Porter talked about the most dangerous vegetables for the kidneys

According to statistics, every tenth person in the world faces a nuisance caused by kidney stones. Prevention and a healthy diet can reduce the risk of disease. But not everything we eat helps the body to be healthy.

A nephrologist from the United States, Ivan Porter, told about vegetables that contribute to the formation of kidney stones, and therefore it is often not necessary to eat them…..CONTINUE READING

For example, spinach and rhubarb can cause kidney stones because they contain the substance oxalate, which is dangerous for this organ. But cucumbers and tomatoes will help not to get sick, they have the opposite effect. This was reported by the “” portal.

“Many green leafy vegetables that are actually healthy can have negative effects on the kidneys. And one way to combat this is to consume them with calcium. For example, cheese on spinach might be a good idea,” Dr. Porter explained.

Previously, it was known that doctors called habits that inevitably destroyed the heart. You need to start by reviewing your diet and eating habits. It is not recommended to abuse salt, so as not to increase the risk of developing hypertension and other pathologies of cardiovascular origin…..CONTINUE READING

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