Why is okra a superfood for managing diabetes and cholesterol, and how can it lower blood sugar levels?

It contains a lot of dietary fibre, which increases satiety, postpones the release of sugar, reduces the frequency of hunger pangs, and lowers calorie intake. Pectin lowers harmful cholesterol, according to scientists…..CONTINUE READING

If you believed that soaking chopped okra or lady’s finger (bhindi) in water overnight and drinking it the next morning to lower blood sugar was just grandmotherly advice, then traditional logic is now supported by multiple human clinical investigations that have shown favourable findings.

Okra, a fruit that is often consumed as a vegetable, benefits diabetics for two reasons. It contains a lot of insoluble dietary fibre, which increases satiety, postpones the release of sugar, reduces the frequency of hunger pains, and lowers calorie intake.

Second, it controls how sugar is absorbed through the digestive system. Researchers discovered that diabetic mice fed with dried and crushed okra peels and seeds reported a decrease in blood glucose levels, while other diabetic mice showed a gradual decline in blood glucose after regular feeding of okra extract for about ten days.

The advantages of eating okra and the ideal preparation are discussed by Deepti Khatuja, Head of Clinical Nutrition, FMRI, Gurugram, and Shalini Garwin Bliss, Executive Dietitian, Manipal Hospital, Gurugram.

Okra has four grams of soluble and insoluble fibre per 100 grams, which is a significant quantity. These take longer to digest and break down, which slows the flow of sugar into the blood. As a result, the blood sugar never increases or decreases and is always steady. Okra can slow down the absorption of sugar in the intestine, which contributes to its capacity to manage diabetes. Okra is also a good source of antioxidants, phytochemicals, and other minerals like potassium, linoleic acid, vitamin C, calcium, protein, and folate. Okra that has been cooked has about 37 micrograms (mcg) of folate per cup.

Okra is a great source of antioxidants, vitamin B6, and folate in addition to fibre, all of which help regulate blood sugar levels and slow the growth of diabetic neuropathy. It has a low glycaemic index (GI), which quantifies how rapidly food influences blood sugar levels. It is low in calories and has a good amount of liquids, both of which aid in controlling weight. It can simply be incorporated into your everyday diet because it is readily available and simple to make.

The abundance of fibre helps to lower cholesterol. It has pectin, an enzyme that improves heart health by boosting good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol. It lessens the risk of cancer and guards against oxidative cell damage. Additionally, it avoids anaemia. Okra’s mucilage attracts bile acid transporting toxins that are discharged into the liver and binds cholesterol. Okra becomes a very good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids when it contains 47.4% linoleic acid. Okra is a superfood because it has a protein level that is almost as high as soy, the enzyme lysine, and the amino acid tryptophan, which controls serotonin, melatonin, and our sleep-wake cycle.

It can be eaten with rotis or flatbreads as a cooked vegetable. It can be quickly stir-fried or simply sautéed with little to no oil. It can be used in dals, soups, curries, and as a roasted snack food. Okra pods contain a thick, slimy polysaccharide that is used to thicken soups and stews. Such stews are a staple of the diet in the Middle East. You can press okra seeds to extract their linoleic and oleic acid-rich, yellowish-green oil. This oil has flavour, and scent, and is good for you. On the other side, okra leaves can be used to make cereal, salads, and veggies…..CONTINUE READING

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