6 Things Some Men Do That Damage Their Penis

A man may not be infected with any transmitted diseases but can have his reproductive health damaged. This condition can be associated with his negligence regarding diet or lifestyle. A man needs to be informed about several things he should do daily to keep his penis healthy. According to “Mayoclinic”, Below are things some men do that damage their penis:

1. Certain medications.

According to ” Mayoclinic”, Erectile dysfunction is a possible side effect of several common medications, including blood pressure drugs, antidepressants, prescription sleep medicine, ulcer drugs, and drugs for prostate cancer.

2. Excessive drinking.

According to “Mayoclinic”, Excessive drinking can contribute to reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, and poor choices in sexual behaviors.

3. Smoking.

According to ” Mayoclinic”, It says that along with other health risks, smoking increases your chances of having erectile dysfunction. The tissue of your penis is a spongy-like organ with thing holes and flesh, the more you smoke the more some of the nicotinic acid enters into those tiny holes and gets trapped in and gets the holes block. This further damages the sperm production making the sperm harder time fertilizing an egg.

4. Psychological factors.

According to “Mayoclinic”, It says that depression, severe stress, or other mental health impairments, as well as medications for these conditions, may increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. In turn, erectile dysfunction may contribute to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, or stress about sexual performance.

5. You’re eating too much junk.

A 2011 Harvard study found that men who indulge in processed foods high in trans fats (cookies, cakes, chocolate, chips, and fried and processed foods) had poorer-quality sperm than those who followed a healthy diet (whole grains, vegetables, and fish).

6. Piercings.

According to “Mayoclinic”, It says that a penis piercing can cause a skin infection and disrupt the urinary flow. Depending on where the piercing is placed, it might also worsen your ability to achieve a peak.