5 Best Ways Couples Can Avoid Pregnancy Without Using Condoms

Individuals who are physically dynamic however don’t have any desire to get pregnant ought to know about their choices for contraception. Contraception is a strategy for forestalling pregnancy that arrives in an assortment of structures. Forbearance from sex, then again, is the main strategy for it is totally dependable to keep away from pregnancy that.

As indicated by the Family Planning Association (FPA) in the United Kingdom, up to 90% of physically dynamic ladies will become pregnant in something like a year in the event that they don’t utilize contraception. Each time an individual has sexual action without utilizing contraception, including interestingly, they risk becoming pregnant.

Albeit most of tasks require a solution, some don’t. Every procedure of anti-conception medication has its own arrangement of benefits and disservices. Keep perusing to find out about the various contraception procedures accessible to assist individuals with trying not to become pregnant.

Obstructions keep sperm from getting to the egg. Coming up next are the subtleties:

1. Diaphragm

A stomach is a prophylactic gadget that is placed into the vaginal channel as a hindrance. The stomach ought to be showered with spermicide before every utilization.

When utilized with spermicide, the stomach is assessed to be around 90% viable, as indicated by the CDC.


The stomach ought to be put a couple of hours before sexual action, left set up for 6 hours after sex, and eliminated 24 hours thereafter. Stomachs don’t safeguard against STIs.

2. Cervical cap

In the United States, a cervical cap (otherwise called FemCap) is a delicate silicone cup embedded profound into the vaginal channel. By covering the cervix, it represses sperm from getting to an egg.

The productivity of the cervical cap fluctuates relying upon who you ask, however Planned Parenthood gauges it to be 70 to 85 percent successful. It doesn’t safeguard you from physically communicated contaminations (STIs).

Cervical covers are accessible at drug stores and on the web.

3. Wipe

The prophylactic wipe is a conception prevention gadget that doesn’t need a solution to acquire. The wipe is set somewhere inside the vagina to keep sperm from entering the uterus. It is made of polyurethane froth and contains spermicide.

Preventative wipes are accessible for buy on the web.

4. Spermicide

Spermicide is a synthetic that deactivates sperm. It is accessible without a solution and is utilized with obstruction contraception like condoms, however not with the wipe.

Whenever directed alone, spermicide ought to be infused near the cervix somewhere around 10 minutes before sex. It is viable for an hour and has a triumph pace of 71%.


Spermicide gels can be found in pharmacies and on the web. Counsel a specialist about the best spermicide preventative choices.

– Hormonal strategies

Hormonal anti-conception medication works by restraining ovulation, or the arrival of a prepared egg from the ovaries. This sort of contraception doesn’t safeguard against STIs.

Except for crisis contraception, most hormonal contraceptives require a specialist’s remedy and are seldom accessible on the web.

5. Patches

The prophylactic fix, as per the NHS, is almost all the way powerful when utilized accurately. It’s nearer to 90%Trusted Source viable in regular use.

A preventative fix can be applied to the:


-rear end


-upper arm

Each fix should be worn for quite a long time prior to being eliminated for multi week to take into consideration a feminine period. There is a remote chance of skin aggravation.