Drink Water On An Empty Stomach Immediately After Waking Up

It’s no secret that staying hydrated is important for our survival. The time of day and the way people stay hydrated will vary. Some people prefer drinking a coffee in the morning, or a soda at lunch, but one thing is certain: nothing beats a refreshing glass of plain, cold water.

You can drink water at any time during the day and it will be beneficial for you, but consuming a large glass as soon as you wake up in the morning will provide you with unique rewards.

According to Clemson University, about 75% of our body weight is made up of water. Depending on where you are or where you live, water is inexpensive or even free. It is low in sodium and is caffeine-free, making it the perfect source for meeting your hydration needs.

Reasons you should be having a glass of water on an empty stomach immediately after you wake up:


So most people drink water with their meals, which has its positives, but also its negatives as well. According to Don Colbert, M.D., and author of Eat This and Live, drinking water during a meal can dilute digestive juices and even upset your stomach.

He adds that drinking it in the morning immediately after you wake up is the ideal time. Your stomach is completely empty, so a glass of water won’t hinder your digestion, and if you have a bottle or glass by your bed, all you need to do is reach for it.

Reduce Stomach Acidity

If you are one of the many people who experience heartburn, it’s because you have high levels of acid in your stomach, according to The Family Medicine Handbook, which is brought to you by the Northen

Ontario School of Medicine.

During the night when you are sleeping, your stomach is the primary source of hydrochloric acid in your body. It produces it all night long. Usually, food will dilute the acid, but because your stomach is empty in the morning, heartburn is more likely to occur in the morning hours.

But if you have water immediately after you wake up, it can reduce the level of acidity in your stomach.

Helps Relieve Bowel Movements

According to Medical Daily, drinking a warm glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning on an empty stomach can help relieve your bowel movements and also help with constipation.

Usually, when we are having trouble relieving our bowel movements, it’s because there is a lack of water in our bodies. In the morning when there is little to no water in our system, consuming water will help to quickly break down any food that has not been digested yet.

Help Control Calories

According to Penn State researcher Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan, if you’re looking to lose weight or try and control the number of calories you consume, water is a great source to help with that.

Rolls adds that when you consume water with a meal, the meal tends to feel larger than it may actually be. This is because the food is digested more slowly, so you feel fuller.

Helps Keep the Skin Looking Fresh

According to Atlanta dermatologist, Kenneth Ellner, everyone’s skin contains a lot of water, which acts as a protective barrier to prevent fluid loss.

He adds that dehydration can make the skin look more dry and wrinkly, which can be prevented or improved with proper hydration.

Prevent Hangovers

If you know that your night is going to include a lot of alcohol consumption, it might be a good idea to mix in some water, especially when the night is coming to an end. This can help you prevent a hangover.

Healthline explains that alcohol is a diuretic, which means that you lose more water than you consume. Which is why you experience dry mouth, headaches, and thirst when you wake up the following morning—a hangover.

Energize Muscles

According to WebMD, cells that do not maintain the proper balance of fluids and electrolytes will shrivel up, which can cause severe muscle fatigue. To prevent that, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that people drink around 17 ounces of water two hours before exercising.

They also recommend that people begin to drink fluids early and often during their workout. It will help replace the fluids that you are sweating out.

Other Health Benefits of Water

According to WebMD, one of the health benefits of drinking water is to help maintain the balance of bodily fluids. Because over half of our body consists of water, it’s essential to keep these bodily fluids balanced because they help with digestion, circulation, absorption, transport of nutrients and the creation of saliva.

WebMD also adds that when the body is low on fluids, the brain will trigger the body’s thirst mechanism. It’s important not to ignore this sign because your body will not function properly without sufficient fluids.