How to fix an unhappy relationship with your partner

A healthy relationship is supposed to make you feel supported, safe, special, sexually desired and loved that you can trust your partner and share your life with them.

Your partner who used to be the highlight of your day turns out to be the opposite – while finding yourself in an unhappy relationship and spending time with your partner is one of the last things you want to do.

No matter what issue you are dealing with in your relationship, you cannot fix your relationship overnight. But, there are some steps you can take to start healing today.

Here are the ways to fix an unhappy relationship with your partner:

Have an honest conversation

They say communication is the key to a happy relationship. Your partner can’t read your mind, nor can they try and fix the relationship if you are employing the “silent treatment”. Communicate openly and honestly with your partner about how you are feeling, about the problems in your relationship, and genuinely express to them that you want to be happy with them again.

Think as a team

Part of escaping from your unhappy relationship is being willing to make the first move and start from scratch with a clean slate. This means thinking of each other as a team. True partner’s – not enemies.

Look for ways to connect

If you want to escape your unhappy marriage you need to take the initiative to get to know one another again. Act as though you just met. Ask your partner about their favorite things, their hobbies, dreams, and goals. You may be surprised at what you learn and how much you actually like this “new” person.

Stop blaming each other

If you have been together for a long time, or have been unhappy for a while now, you likely have some built up anger and resentment toward your spouse. It’s easy at that point to blame your spouse for everything that has gone wrong in your relationship but don’t.

Focus on the positives

Your spouse isn’t romantic, they’re not interested in your hobbies, or they aren’t much of a talker, but what are some of their positive qualities? Perhaps they are a trustworthy partner, a wonderful provider, or they always know how to make you laugh. Don’t let negativity overtake what was once a wonderful relationship.