Is he the one? 6 most important signs to know for sure

People come together for all kinds of different reasons. Some of those reasons are very selfish and cause the relationship to fall apart in short order.

Just because you are together doesn’t necessarily mean you should get married. Not all relationships end in marriage.

When people search for partners and finally find someone they could see themselves saying, “I do” with, it doesn’t mean they should.

Not everyone is cut out for marriage. If you are in a relationship and questioning whether or not he’s the one, you are not alone. It’s an age-old question that remains hard to answer.

Is he the one? Here are the 6 relevant signs to know:
1. You’re compatible

Not only is your take on attraction an important quality to consider, but so is your compatibility with this person. If all you have in common is good sex, that’s not enough to build a lasting relationship on.

If you are not compatible in any other way except in the bedroom, that is not a good recipe for a successful marriage. Consider how you want your day-today life to look. Is this the person who can help give you that life?
2. You’re not only in it for the sex

Every relationship starts out hot and heavy and you can’t keep your hands off each other. Every chance you get, you are in the bedroom.

But that doesn’t last. Every relationship goes through stages of intimacy and as time goes on, couples move away from the lust-filled stage to the companion stage.
3. You feel comfortable around him

How comfortable are you with this person? Are you still hiding things from him and not sharing parts of your life with him? Is he doing the same thing?

If you are hesitant to share aspects of your life for fear that he might judge you, or worse, leave you, then you are not ready to get married.
4. He protects you

A good man always makes his partner feel safe, whether physically or emotionally. Men should naturally feel protective over women.

Does your man protect you? Not just from physical harm, but does he make sure you’re okay when any negative situation arises? This is an excellent sign that he could be the one.
5. There is respect between the two of you

Every relationship needs love and respect. You might think they go hand-in-hand but many people claim to love others without respecting them.

If you’ve ever met someone who has been abused by their spouse, yet they believe more than anything that they are loved, you know what we’re talking about. Love and respect are not mutually exclusive and need to present at all times for a marriage to work.
6. You get along with his family

If you are considering whether or not you can marry this man, consider how you get along with his family and how you respect and interpret his history. If you don’t get along with his family, this is going to be a problem down the road.