Mulago Hospital Hosts Successful Eye Surgery Camp

Mulago National Referral Hospital witnessed a remarkable turnout of over 100 patients seeking free eye surgery during a one-week camp organized in partnership with Eye Health Africa UK.

Dr. Jacob Ntende, an Ophthalmologist at Mulago Hospital, highlighted the camp’s focus on providing cosmetic and reconstructive eye surgery to enhance both the function and appearance of patients’ eyes and surrounding areas.

Out of the 120 patients examined during the camp, 21 underwent successful surgeries. Dr. Ntende emphasized the significant demand for oculoplastic eye surgery, attributing it to accidents and acid attacks that result in severe eye injuries.

Oculoplastic surgery, a specialized field, concentrates on addressing conditions affecting the eyelids and facial structures around the eye.

Dr. Ntende underscored the urgent need to recruit additional Ophthalmology doctors not only at Mulago but also at regional referral hospitals across the country. Currently, Mulago Hospital is burdened with a high patient load due to limited Ophthalmology staff, with only three Ophthalmologists available.

With the recent lifting of recruitment bans by hospitals, Dr. Ntende expressed optimism in bridging the human resource gap in eye care. He noted that although Uganda has trained eye doctors, many remain unemployed, hindering the provision of comprehensive eye care services.

Dr. Innocent Ayesiga from the Uganda-UK Health Alliance outlined various activities conducted during the annual camp, including skills transfer sessions from English eye hospitals to enhance the capacity of local health workers. Additionally, donations were made to improve existing infrastructure.

Highlighting the challenges faced by individuals in rural areas with limited access to quality eye care, Dr. Ayesiga emphasized the importance of partnerships in addressing these disparities, leading to the establishment of the camp in collaboration with Mulago Hospital.

Dr. Emelia Ahebwa, another Ophthalmologist, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to acquire skills from specialists and collaborate with surgeons from England in treating diverse eye conditions.

Among the beneficiaries was Molly Mbabazi from Kyenjojo, whose eye injury necessitated specialized treatment beyond the capacity of Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital. After being referred to Mulago, she underwent successful surgery, illustrating the critical role of specialized facilities in addressing complex medical cases.