Elevating midwifery: A transformative journey to reach zero preventable maternal deaths in Rwanda

A midwifery class at Ruli Higher Institute of Health, one of UNFPA’s supported institutes.

Rwanda has undergone a remarkable journey in tackling maternal mortality rates (MMR) over the past decade. From an alarming 1,071 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in 2010, the country managed to accelerate reduction reaching 210 in 2015. but in recent years the decline has been slower with MMR standing at 203 per 100,000 live births in 2020, showing a limited decline of only seven data points over five years.

With Rwanda currently operating at a ratio of one skilled health professional per 1,000 people, below the WHO recommended minimum of four per 1,000; the Government of Rwanda introduced a comprehensive plan called the “4×4 Strategy” designed to strengthen the nation’s health system. This initiative aims to quadruple the healthcare workforce over four years while implementing significant enhancements to healthcare infrastructure and processes. Dr. Menelas Nkeshimana, the Head of the Department of Health Workforce Development at the Ministry of Health, highlights the urgency of the situation, emphasizing the need to address the current shortage of health professionals.

Examining the burden of work and quality of care particularly in maternal and child care, Nkeshimana underscores the stark reality of having around 2,000 midwives registered for a population of 13 million.

“Specialist gynecologists and obstetricians, essential for maternal health, are also in short supply, with only 115 registered professionals. To achieve our vision of reducing maternal deaths below 50 per 100,000 live births by 2050, we face the challenge of not only increasing the workforce but also strategically distributing these professionals across the country”he notes. At the current trajectory, MMR can only decrease to 156, underscoring the urgency of the mission. In response to this call to action, UNFPA in Rwanda has committed to supporting the 4×4 strategy, with a specific focus on midwifery, as a crucial step to combat maternal and child mortality rates.

UNFPA and Ministry of Health officials pose for a group photo during a technical visit to Ruli Higher Institute of Health, one of UNFPA’s supported institutes.

In 2023, through partnership with the Ministry of Health, UNFPA Rwanda provided 50 students with midwifery scholarships. The aspiring midwives started their studies at Ruli Higher Institute for Health in November 2023. Alleluia Betty is one of the students who benefitted from the scholarship. She expresses her joy and gratitude for obtaining a scholarship, recognizing it as a crucial opportunity to contribute to addressing challenges like maternal and child deaths. Her happiness stems from the prospect of actively participating in initiatives that seek to alleviate these critical issues.

She said: “I wanted to pursue midwifery so that I can help save the lives of those mothers and babies who are in need. Some people discouraged me from choosing this faculty due to perceived risks that come with it but I am ready to overcome the challenges by prioritizing my passion for the course and focusing my genuine interest in saving lives.”

Alleluia Betty, one of the 50 midwifery students benefiting from UNFPA sponsorship Ruli Higher Institute of Health, follows her mentor’s instructions during a class.

In the past years, UNFPA has supported midwives in Master’s and PhD scholarships, as a way to strengthen the profession and build a faculty able to be the intellectual foundation of the first of its kind of national Master’s level program for midwifery. This was done in collaboration with the University of Rwanda in 2023 and the scholarship support for higher education still continues. Furthermore, UNFPA, in partnership with Laerdal Global Health, has contributed over 450 birthing simulators and simulation lab equipment allocated to universities and institutes with established midwifery programs. Elevating the educational experience, UNFPA and Laerdal Global Health have taken a step further by instituting a Simulation Facilitation Program called SimBegin. This program involves training faculty from 11 institutes.

Highlighting UNFPA’s Rwanda commitment to support the Ministry of Health in its vision in the area of midwifery, UNFPA Rwanda Deputy Representative, Dr. Renata Tallarico, emphasized that the scholarship and equipment not only symbolizes tangible support but also represents a commitment to practical, hands-on learning that prepares students for the realities of their future profession.“We want to empower midwives, ensure quality of education, a standardized national curriculum and give any other support needed to ensure that no mother dies while giving birth,” emphasized Tallarico.

As part of the support to the 4×4 strategy, the need to emphasize on the quality of education became evident. Thus, the Ministry of Health in collaboration with UNFPA embarked on a journey to develop a national standardized midwifery curriculum aligned to national and international standards.

Reflecting on the role of partnerships in achieving the4x4 reform goals, Nkeshimana commended UNFPA’s contribution in facilitating the enrollment of more midwives in education. “During our engagement, coinciding with the 4×4 reform announcement in July 2023, conversations with UNFPA were seamless. It served as a wake-up call, with their expressed willingness to collaborate in enrolling more midwives in education. At that time, our baseline data revealed midwifery schools were operating at only 20% capacity, despite having the necessary infrastructure, validated curriculum, and faculty. The challenge was the lack of students to fill the remaining 80% of seats.”

Through initiatives like the government’s 4×4 Strategy and collaborations with educational institutions and stakeholders, significant strides have been made in bolstering midwifery education and enhancing the quality of care. UNFPA’s partnership with the Government of Rwanda to elevate this field will continue to focus on strengthening competency-based midwifery training; developing strong regulatory mechanisms to ensure quality services; and advocating for increased investments in midwifery services.