Side Effects Of Taking Too Much Garri

Garri is a popular food among Nigerians and Africans in general, and it can be eaten by both the rich and poor. But in these articles we going to discuss the health implications of taking too much garri, mostly garri that’s not rich with a balance diet such as milk, honey etc.

To much of garri also have a side effect when it comes to the body system.

Here are the Side Effects Of Taking Too Much Garri

1. Eyes defects: garri have hydrocyanic acid and it’s also made from cassava taking much garri can seriously damage your eyes sight.

Much intake of garri have a negative side effect so learn to control your intake of garri so you can reduce the acid to a normal level for the protection of your eyes.

2. It may lead to ulcer or if you have one might worsen it. Because drinking garri don’t stay long in someone system it digest fast. This can lead to internal issues in the body system causing ulcer or making an ulcer patient issues worst.

So if you have ulcer or an ulcer patient you should try to reduce your intake of garri. This won’t help u but bring more damages to your health and body system.

3. Garri causes serious weight gain.

The root of garri is from cassava and garri also is very rich in carbohydrates a single cup of garri have almost 360 calories which make it almost 99% carbohydrates might be good for sometimes for youthful people. but not good at all for people above 40 years or individual living with diabetes.

For individuals who want to loss some weight stop the intake of garri or Even drinking one.

4. Garri can weaken you or make you feel weak.

We understand almost 80% of Nigerian love drinking garri on a daily basis but the truth is drinking garri mostly on a hungry stomach can make you weak or dizzy.

Taking garri when you hungry can make you dizzy or even fall asleep. If you notice 90% of time when you drink garri you feel like having a rest so tired and feel like sleeping off.

So individuals that work in teams of security such as army, policeman etc should avoid drinking garri especially when you in an official duty.

5. Make you look dry mostly when drinking garri almost everyday.

If you notice people that lack food and always base on drinking garri as the only source of food available at home. They look some how dry with a bad skin tone this occur with individuals who drink garri almost everyday without adding milk…..CONTINUE READING