How Does Sleep Hygiene Work?

Ever wonder why some people seem to always get a good night’s rest while you toss and turn for hours, or wake up again and again?

Your sleep hygiene may be the problem. Good sleep hygiene is a combination of sleeping conditions and lifestyle habits that help you get consistent, uninterrupted sleep.

Good sleep hygiene can help you in a lot of ways. When you get enough sleep — experts recommend 7 to 8 hours a night — you may:

Think about making changes to your sleep routine if you have trouble falling asleep, if you can’t stay asleep, or if you often feel sleepy during the day. These may be signs of bad sleep hygiene.

You can take simple steps to break bad habits and get better sleep.

If you’ve made changes and they don’t seem to be helping, talk to your doctor. You may have a sleep disorder, like sleep apnea

, that needs medical treatment.