A 10-Minute At-Home Full Body Workout

Work, tight schedules, bad weather can be amongst the many reasons why you might have to skip the gym. Not going to the gym should not be a reason for skipping your workouts. If you can’t go to the gym, bring the gym to yourself.

If you think a “10-minute-workout” isn’t for you, you are overestimating your abilities. Just because these are short workouts, doesn’t mean they are going to be easy. These workouts are intensity packed and will get you to your knees in 10 minutes.

Perfecting the correct Burpees

is a great way to start this 10-minute workout. 30 seconds of this exercise will make you realize what you have signed up for. This exercise is a total fat buster and will help you shed those extra kilos.

Now that your body is warmed up, squat jumps will pump all the blood into your legs. You need to make sure you’re following a complete range of motion in this exercise. Try going as deep as you can during the squats


In this exercise, you mimic running while standing at a fixed point. Raise your knees as high as you can and try staying on your toes throughout the exercise. Keep your core

tight and maintain a steady pace.

We will be focusing on building upper body strength in this workout. If you have a problem performing 30-seconds of push-ups, feel free to perform assisted push-ups with your knees on the floor. You can also take a couple second rest to recover during the set.

Jumping jacks are incredibly efficient at burning calories and improving your agility. Performing this exercise for a minute will be a test for your cardiovascular system. You will know where you stand by the end of this one minute.

This is a high-intensity workout, you aren’t allowed to rest or slow down during your working sets. Squats are a compound movement which can help gain overall strength and muscles in your lower body.

Planks are an indispensable exercise if you want a strong core. Most people make the mistake of hanging their crotch low or forming a bridge with their butt while performing this exercise. Your body should be in a straight line throughout this exercise.

You will appreciate this rest time more than ever before. Use this time to have water or lie down. Make sure you don’t slack and use some extra time. Get back to your workout when the clock hits 30 seconds.

Mountain climbers will work your core and abs. This exercise is great if you want to build a shredded midriff. Maintain the same intensity throughout the exercise. Don’t stop before the time is over.

You don’t need weights for this exercise. Stand straight and mimic performing dumbbell shoulder presses. No weight shoulder presses might sound like a joke, but wait until you perform this exercise. Your shoulders will be on fire once you’re done.

Crunches are a staple in most cardio intensive workouts. Place your feet flat on the ground and your upper body should be perpendicular to the floor at the top of the movement. Exhale and squeeze your abs at the top of the movement to make the most of this exercise.

Perform bodyweight lunges for 30 seconds on each leg. This exercise will get your heart rate soaring and will help develop muscle definition and clarity in your legs. Your wheels will be filled with lactic acid at the end of this exercise.

This is the last exercise in your high-intensity workout. You should use everything you have left in the tank for this exercise. Start in a planking position, bend and jump your knees into your hands landing in a crouch on your toes. Return to the starting position and repeat.