After the age of forty, cease doing these four activities if you want to live a longer life.

Over 40? Stop doing these things immediately, say experts—even though we know you won’t want to. Aging naturally comes with compromise. And no one wants to feel limited. However, being realistic about aging can help you embrace it, and maximize your health so you can in fact feel young, even if you are not.

“Becoming acutely aware of your own physical and emotional feelings is something” many people neglect to do, says Dr. Martin Miner, Regional Medical Director of Vault Health, “and it has a negative impact on their health as they age.

Take command of your feelings and life, and learn to take actions that steer the ship the way you want to go.” With that in mind, we’ve collected 7 essential pieces of advice anyone after 40 should follow. Stop doing these things immediately—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these.

1. Don’t Neglect Your Vitamin D Levels—or Your Iron, Riboflavin and More

“Vitamin deficiencies can be an issue at any age, particularly with the common American diet,” says the Burgess Health Center. “However, as women age, vitamin deficiencies become even more common and can be the cause of many symptoms and conditions. Vitamin D deficiency is particularly prevalent and can contribute to increased bone-mass loss (over the age of 40, this happens to women naturally, but a deficiency in vitamin D accelerates the problem) and osteoporosis. Low vitamin D has also been linked to depression and seasonal affective disorder. Other potential deficiencies include iron, riboflavin, and vitamin B.”

2. Stop Eating Right Before Bedtime—It Makes You Gain Weight Too Fast

You used to be able to down an entire pizza or pint of Ben&Jerry’s while binging a Netflix marathon, or maybe have a few beers at the bar till midnight, but now…you can’t. Or at least, you shouldn’t. “Eating before bed can cause the body’s metabolism to slow,” say the experts at Amerisleep. “The body slows down its functions at night to prepare for sleep, but consuming foods, especially those high in carbs, can make it harder to digest and result in weight gain.” It’s already harder to lose weight after 40; don’t make it more so.

3. Stop Obsessing Over Your Hair Loss. Accept it Or Do Something About It

A receding hairline, baldness or thinning hair are a natural part of aging for men and women, as ordinary as your hair going grey. Rather than waste years fretting over how badly you look as a result, do one of two things: 1) Accept it. You don’t look like you used to. And that’s OK. 2) A far more expensive option is to try hair growth products, some of which actually do work. Look for products with minoxidil—shown to grow hair faster in women—like in Rogaine.

4. Don’t Think You’re Too Cool for Therapy

Some of us ignore psychological pain even more than physical pain, especially men. “Men in their 40s have the tendency to ignore their emotional needs, which leads to an increase in stress and stress-related illness,” says Haley Neidich, LCSW, a therapist based in New Haven, Connecticut. “Acknowledging when you need support and seeking out the right mental health counseling for your needs is essential.”