10 Signs You’re ‘Spiritually Gifted’, According To Astrology

In astrology, Mercury represents how we communicate. Mercury’s placement can be quirky,  enlightening and help us to pursue what inspires us intellectually. Mercury has many faces and while it is usually associated with intellectual pursuits and logic, it is also a placement that can allow us to connect with others and develop connections from powerful emotional levels and the heart.

While each Mercury sign has its own unique gifts, according to astrologer Maryaam Lewis-Herbert, there are certain Mercury placements “that are spiritually gifted and powerful.”

10 signs you’re ‘spiritually gifted’, according to astrology

“If you have these Mercury signs in your birth chart, it shows that you’ve been blessed with spiritual gifts,” Lewis-Herbert wrote in a TikTok video.

Having one of these signs shows that “you’ve been blessed to channel spiritual information or communicate with spirits.”

1. Mercury in the 12th house

In one of the most mysterious and hidden parts of our chart, the native with this placement can unlock a world that is sealed away. Mercury 12th house natives have deep empathy that can help them make connections with people because they have deep empathy. Through their dreams, they can open the door to this other realm. It is where memories are activated and connections to other worlds are made.

Mercury in the 12th is the weaver of time, the enigma, and the visionary. Those with this placement can seem clairvoyant and as though they are always a step ahead. It’s not surprising to see those with this placement who can interpret dreams and piece together things no one else would.

2. Mercury in the 8th house

Mercury here feels like it’s traversing through forbidden terrain because it can feel like they are simultaneous connected to the past and present. Similar to the 12th, the 8th house is filled with wonder and it is an enigma. However, Mercury here is the detective, drawn to topics others would shy away from.

The native can be interested in astrology, philosophy, and psychology. They enjoy topics relating to the psyche because it can be a puzzle that allures them and do not shy away from what may seem broken because their curiosity pushes them to discover the reasons why things happen.

3. Mercury in the 4th house

Mercury here suggests someone who can sense how others feel before they are told since they are very intuitive. A placement that is as potent as the 8th and 12th houses, Mercury here receives connections or direct links from ancestors and the past. This placement can uncover a lot about their roots and history. It is also a placement that can help the natives discover their voice.

Home is where they can unleash their abilities. The parents of the natives may have inspired them to learn many subjects early on, making them curious, wondrous and filled with passion for learning. The more this native learns about their history, the greater the links and ties they can create to bridge the past and present, even receiving guidance from ancestors through their dreams.

4. Mercury in Pisces / Mercury at 12 or 24 degrees

Although Mercury is considered to be in fall in this sign, it is a magical placement since the native will see things through an imaginative lens, especially when they connect to their dreams.

Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces, a planet associated with psychic-type qualities. Mercury in Pisces dives deep into the dreamscape and can usually feel moments of déjà vu.

5. Mercury in Cancer / Mercury at 4, 16, or 28 degrees

Navigating the emotions of others can feel easy for this placement since it’s ruled by the moon’s degree. They are magnanimous, compassionate and understanding. It also makes them sensitive to the emotions of others.

People with this placement are tough, but they wear their armor fearlessly to protect themselves. However, when others hurt, they can sense it and it can make them feel overwhelmed and drained.

6. Mercury in Scorpio / Mercury at 8 or 20 degrees

A potent and psychic placement, with Mercury ruled by Mars and Pluto’s degree, the native can have premonitions and guidance from the unknown. Mercury here is fascinated by astrology, psychology and other taboo subjects that many would not dive into.

Mercury here is sensory and will uncover the truth because Pluto wants answers obsessively. Natives with Mercury here are highly observant which can help them predict how others behave, which usually surprises others.

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7. Mercury conjunct Neptune

A placement that can have the native more connected with dreams and visions, they can also be more compassionate, intuitive and ahead of the curve than the average. They can be like songstresses captivating those around them with their melody. Neptune can blur the lines between truth and lies, so beware of those who are inclined to decorate the truth and vice-versa.

8. Mercury conjunct the moon

This is a potent and emotional placement that can make those with it empaths. They can feel everything around them. These natives can lose themselves in the emotions of others, so knowing how to establish boundaries is important.

9. Mercury conjunct Pluto

Representative of Scorpio’s energy, Mercury in conjunction with Pluto can be similar to Mercury in Scorpio or in the 8th house. The native is a strategist, eagle-eyed and extremely patient. This is a position where the native can appear to know a lot about others, but it’s due to how observant they are.

10. Mercury conjunct Chiron

Healing and empowering, Mercury can also be an empath here, feeling the wounds of others. The wounded healer, Chiron, will allow Mercury to help and guide others. The native imparts wisdom, is sensitive to the emotions of others, and can bring emotional healing to them as well.