20 Sure Signs She Is The Woman You Should Marry

As a bachelor, you can attest to the fact that you have come across a lady who makes you question deeply if she is the one you should marry or not. It might be because you are not sure what criteria to adopt in choosing a wife, or because you have several options you have to choose from.

The decision to marry anyone is not always a straightforward one to make. And even if you think you love her so much, you still want to establish some clear signs and conviction that you can go ahead to propose to her.

But while it looks like the toughest thing ever, it is not. Here, I will show you some good signs to know someone who will give you true joy and happiness when you marry her.

Additionally, I will show you some signs that you are ready for marriage yourself. This can influence your decision to go after the girl you like or keep the relationship on a casual friendship level.

This section explores some signs that the woman you are considering for marriage is a good person for you. This takes into consideration some positive aspects and traits you should look out for when choosing a woman to marry.

1. You find peace with her

Not all women make you have peace of mind. A bunch of them are very good with nagging, argument, raising dust from nothing significant, and exuding negative energy. One clear sign that you have found a woman you should marry is that you experience peace being around her. Nothing beats peace of mind when finding a partner.

2. You are effortlessly compatible with each other

While we may define compatibility in various ways, finding someone who understands you very well is a win when it comes to marriage. You are genetically compatible with each other (in cases where genotype matters). You understand each other and can cope or tolerate each other’s behaviour, and personality, as well as agree to each other’s life’s vision and purpose.

3. She is extremely supportive

If she is very supportive of you, she is letting you know that you are the one she wants to invest in and spend the rest of her life with. Finding a woman who supports you unconditionally in whatever you do is a gift you should never allow to slip through your fingers. If she checks all your other important boxes, marry her immediately.

4. She is very honest with you

Never marry a woman who is dishonest with you. A woman who is honest with you is someone you should never take for granted, even if you don’t have romantic interests in her.

Honesty is the foundation of trust, and trust, in turn, is the foundation of every successful relationship/marriage. An honest woman is the kind of woman you should marry. She does not believe in hiding too much from you, rather she wants you to know her and love her for who she is.

5. You think about her a lot

When you find yourself thinking about her a lot, that’s a sign your heart has started beating for her even when you have yet to accept it. Somehow, our psyche knows what we emotionally yearn for. If you are beginning to think about her a lot, maybe she is the one your heart has been desperately searching for.

6. She loves you for you are

If you see that she loves you irrespective of what you have or don’t have, she is a woman to marry. Today, many women are driven by what they will benefit in the shortest possible time. A woman who loves you cares more about the future with you. She is not the type that wants to milk you dry and run away.

7. She is your gist-partner

Marrying someone you cannot have friendly conversations with has to be the most boring thing anyone would ever do. If she freely expresses herself around you and can enjoyably keep friendly conversations, she is likely one for you to marry.

8. She inspires you to be better

We all need someone who motivates us to do better or to become a better version of ourselves every day. But not everyone is ready to put in the work for you to grow or improve. However, if you are talking with a girl who inspires you to better each day, she is the kind of woman you should consider for marriage without much thinking.

9. She loves you equally

If the love you have for her is not one-sided, she is a good choice for marriage. Many marriages which end in painful divorce are a result of one-sided love, that is, loving someone who does not love you as much. If she reciprocates your energy, marry her.

10. She accepts your worst parts

We all have individual flaws and imperfections but if you find someone who accepts you that way and complements your imperfections, that’s all you will truly ever need for the rest of your life.

11. She can engage in intellectual discussions with you

This is similar to engaging in conversations but this involves high mental processes like planning, critical thinking, and analysis. Marry someone who is in tune with your intellectual capacity and can challenge you to find ideas, otherwise, you might later begin to see her as the dullest person in the world.

12. She goes the extra mile for you

You can choose to love anybody but loving a woman who goes the extra mile for you is not optional. Even if you are not attracted to her, you know the least you could do is show that you appreciate them for being willing to go all out for you. If you are thinking about marrying her, it is time to end your thinking and jump right to it because she will give you true peace and happiness if you do.

13. You have shared interests with her

If she has a considerable number of common interests, you are likely to get along more easily than if you didn’t have much in common. For example, if you both enjoy playing music, or enjoy watching sports together, or sharing some other interests, it is going to be easier to blend in even after marriage.

14. You can express yourself around her

Not every woman gives you the safe space to be yourself. Some act as if they don’t want you to ever be wrong or be able to express yourself casually. But if she gives you room to be yourself and express yourself, she is worth considering for marriage.

15. You are romantically connected

Romance is an essential part of any marriage, hence, its importance cannot be over-emphasized. If after falling in love with her, you still find that emotional connection there despite how long you have known her, that is a sign that your hearts have emotionally woven into each other.

16. You stop noticing other women

If she makes you stop noticing other women, it is a sign that she has eaten deep into your heart without you knowing it. Any woman who makes you stop seeing other women is a woman you should marry if you are still unsure.

17. You prioritize each other’s needs

If she prioritizes you as much as you prioritize her, you have found the one for you. Nothing is sweeter than finding a woman who loves you without hesitation.

18. You have gone through ups and downs together

Marriage is not a bed of roses and it requires sailing with someone who is patient and enduring. While many people focus only on the sweet parts, finding someone who is committed to being with you through thick or thin is a lifetime achievement. Marry her.

19. You see a future with her

If you can see a future with her, it means you like her. This is the kind of woman you want to marry; someone who you are satisfied with and who also makes you happy.

Signs She Is Ready For Marriage

It is not enough to find someone worth keeping, you also need to establish that she is ready for marriage. If she is not well-prepared for marriage, the entire journey can turn sour even when they have the best intentions.

Here are some signs of readiness, preparedness, and maturity for marriage in a woman.

1. Emotional consistency

You need to ensure that she can control her emotions largely. While we downplay the consequences of a labile emotion and give it a mild name like “mood swings”, a mature woman who is ready for marriage should be able to control her emotions to a large extent.

2. She is empathetic

Empathy is one’s ability to understand what another person feels or experiences. It is the maturity of being able to not overreact when someone does something but instead, try to find out why and how to gain a better understanding of the situation.

3. She has ambition

Ambition shows that she is committed to pursuing her own goals as well as helping you achieve yours. It shows that she does not intend to be any liability to you when you eventually get married to her.

4. She understands self-growth

Many women do not understand self-growth because they think they are already perfect. They often don’t see any reason to grow, change, or improve. This can be very deleterious as you would be the one to bear the responsibility of changing or improving while she sits down claiming that she has no further need for self-growth.

5. She is not too jealous

While some amount of display of jealousy is needed in every relationship, being too jealous can be a sign of insecurity. A woman who genuinely understands what it means to love and be loved will realize that they don’t have to put you under any tight control or restrictions to make you love her.

6. She wants to be part of your success story

Many people only want to be part of the success when it has been achieved but not part of the process that took them there. A woman who is ready for commitment and marriage does not only want to enjoy the benefits but also wants to be part of the process. She chooses to trust the process with you instead of leaving you for any other.

7. She is loyal and submissive

If she is loyal and submissive to you, that is a clear sign that she wants to marry you. If she checks other good signs for you, there is no reason to delay proposing to her any longer.

Signs You Are Ready To Marry

I earlier shared with you that I would be talking about some signs that you are ready to get married, as this may influence the preferred decision, of whether to ask her out or not.

1. You tolerate more

No matter how impatient and intolerant you are, when you are drawing closer to getting married, you suddenly get more tolerant. You realize that maintaining peace and happiness with a wife requires tolerance and patience, and this makes you learn to be more tolerant.

2. You rewrite your criteria for choosing a partner

Earlier on, you find men writing a long list of criteria for choosing a wife, including body shape, height, complexion, and others. But when you are ready for marriage, you begin to rearrange the list to put the more important things first before other things related to beauty and sex.

3. You focus on the more important things other than just beauty

The more important things in marriage include attitude, behaviours, ideology about life, passions, life purpose, compatibility, ideas about sex, and long-term goals. Other beauty components can come after.

4. You ditch sex first

When you are ready to settle down, you find yourself refraining from putting sex first when approaching a woman. You want to get to know her on a deeper level and not just because she satisfies you in bed.

5. You realize the importance of being gainfully employed

Marriage requires money, maturity, and understanding to work. As you get closer to getting married, you gradually develop these aspects of your life, including putting efforts to be independent and gainfully employed.

Not everything is a turn-off for everyone. There are things each of us can and cannot cope with, individually. Being emotionally inconsistent may be something due to her immaturity and lack of understanding about life. Maybe you can patiently help her get through that aspect of immaturity in her life.

Again, no one is perfect. Not even you. So, it is practically impossible to try to find everything listed in the article. However, you know should understand what is most important to you and prioritize them.

Most guys who are asking if she is the one or not already have thoughts about the possibility of it working, otherwise they wouldn’t have been curious.

To some, it takes as little as one contact to know if she is the one they are going to marry. This depends on the circumstances, your power of observation, and your prior experience with understanding important green and red flags in a partner.