11 Small Things Guys Notice About You — Even If You Think They Don’t

When it comes to attracting men, there are a lot of things girls often take for granted regarding what guys notice and find attractive about women. Most of the time, you probably assume that guys only notice your body or some other aspect of your looks at first — and to a certain extent, that is often true.

However, your physical traits certainly aren’t the only things guys pay attention to. Whether you believe it or not, guys notice a lot more about a woman than just the obvious, external features. Take a look below to see some of the things guys pick up on when they’re talking to you.

Here are 11 small things guys notice about you, even if you think they don’t:
1. Your personality

Even the most stunning Megan Fox lookalike will not have much success in dating if her personality is vapid, cruel, or otherwise just bad. Though it may take guys a while longer to notice a bad personality versus a good one, they do eventually notice it. And that’s often what makes or breaks a man’s desire to date you long-term.

2. Your nails

Most of the time, we associate nail art with fashion choices that are more meant to impress ourselves or other women. But guys do notice if your nail game is on point. As one of my guy friends said, “Nails are a good indicator of whether or not a girl cares about herself.”

3. Your financial situation

This may not be the most politically correct thing for me to say, what do guys notice in women? If you’re loaded with money they may be more inclined to date you if you have a lot of cash in the bank. There’s some good reason for this, too. While there are some guys out there who are okay with providing girls with money, most guys want to be sure that you aren’t with them for the cash alone.

4. How happy you are

No one likes a Debbie Downer, especially not a guy who’s looking for love. If you look morose, angry, or suspicious, guys won’t want to be around you.

5. Your self-esteem

Do you know how you can tell that the guy with the Ferrari who constantly boasts about cash in his bank is an insecure mess? Yes, the same goes with guys. This is doubly true among abusers, who often will purposefully seek out girls that they feel have low self-esteem for their next victim.

6. Your sense of style

People often think that fashion is something that only girls notice, but it’s not. It’s what guys notice in women. For some guys, the way you dress can be a major factor in whether or not they want to talk to you. Some might even have a thing for certain types of clothing, such as yoga pants or high heels.

7. How active your social life is

Just like girls love to date a guy who has a lot of friends and an active life, guys want to date a girl who’s well-liked as well. This doesn’t mean that you need to be Miss Congeniality, but it does mean that you need to have a life if you want to get a man.

8. How much common sense you have

If a guy wants to date for the long term, he will want to look for a girl who has common sense and is capable of handling her stuff without being babysat. A girl who can’t think without making terrible mistakes in judgment isn’t attractive — at least, not if you’re looking for a serious relationship. Trust me when I say they notice this.

9. Your smile and your laughter

Both are things guys like to see a lot of and their absence is equally noticeable. There’s a reason why the girls who seem to be laughing all the time tend to get the most guys, you know!

10. Your scent

Most guys I know go a little bit crazy over the way a girl smells — perfume or otherwise. If you wear perfume, they’ll probably notice your signature scent. If you have a distinct smell, they’ll also notice that, too. It’s a good thing, too, since that tends to be the first of a person’s senses to trigger memory.

11. How open you are to love

Speaking from experience, I can tell you that what guys notice in women is if they are hostile towards men. On the other hand, if you’re very open to getting a new boyfriend, guys will be willing to talk to you. Go figure, right?