Reasons You Should Drink ‘Akamu’ Even Though You Are Not Poor

Corn pap, known as akamu, ogi, koko, or eko, is a fermented cereal pudding made from maize, a staple in Nigeria for decades.

Traditionally processed, it has a sour taste and pairs well with various foods like fried plantain, pancakes, Akara, fried yam, bread, puff puff, and beans, making it a popular choice for breakfast.

Corn pap is a versatile and nutritious food with numerous health benefits, ranging from cardiovascular health to supporting breastfeeding mothers and aiding in infant development.

This article explores the nutritional content and health benefits of corn pap widely believed to be ‘a meal of the poor’.

Nutritional Content Of Pap

Pap is rich in essential properties, including carbohydrates, vitamins (A, B5, B3, B1, riboflavin, C), folic acid, potassium, chromium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium.

It also contains amino acids such as tryptophan, phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, and valine. One serving of pap provides 152 calories.

Nutritional Benefits Of Pap

Regulates Blood Pressure:

Pap is an excellent source of potassium and is sodium-free, making it ideal for individuals with high blood pressure.

Potassium helps counteract the effects of sodium, reducing tension in blood vessel walls and protecting against various health conditions.

Lowers LDL Cholesterol:

Pap contains chromium, zinc, magnesium, and other properties that effectively reduce levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol in the body.

Chromium inhibits the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and is linked to improved blood sugar levels, reduced diabetes risk, lower depression, increased energy levels, and enhanced regenerative abilities.

Beneficial for Nursing Mothers:

Pap, with its high water content, promotes a steady flow of breast milk for lactating mothers.

It aids in regaining strength after illnesses and is easy to digest, making it a digestive system-friendly food.

Good Source of Energy:

Being rich in carbohydrates, pap serves as an excellent energy source, promoting mental sharpness and accelerating fat metabolism for energy.

Easy to Digest:

Pap is easily digestible, facilitating the elimination of unwanted substances through increased urination.

It places less stress on the digestive system, making it suitable for individuals recovering from illness or those with digestive conditions.

Boosts Kidney Health:

Pap helps eliminate uric acid, urea, toxins, and waste from the body, promoting kidney health by facilitating their efficient functioning.

Promotes Healthy Pregnancy:

Pap is rich in folic acid, essential for a healthy pregnancy.

It lowers the risk of neural tube defects in newborns and supports breast milk production after childbirth.

Ideal for Babies and Toddlers:

Pap is a popular weaning meal for babies in Nigeria.

Brown pap, made from millet, guinea corn, and carbohydrate, provides critical proteins, vitamins, and minerals for a growing child’s development.