3 Parts Of a Lady She Expects You To Touch But Won’t Tell You

You have to be able to relate to your partner to a certain extent while you are in a relationship, certain things you don’t have to tell your partner until you realize that they actually want those things. Ladies don’t really want to open up things in a relationship because the company has made them submissive and not too demanding in a relationship. That’s why women are typically drawn to mature guys who can spot things without saying something.

I’ll show you in this article three pieces of a lady she expects you to contact, but she will not tell you.

1. Her back

Ladies expect you as a man with street maturity to always brush your back so they relax and get rid of a certain amount of tension. There is also a stirring feeling that ladies get when they rub their back, and that stirring feeling is something they like. That’s why you want them to touch your back.

Until you react to this expectation, you do not have to be good at massage, just you need to care enough to help your lady get rid of some tension.

2. Her Hair

The hair is one of the things that express the beauty of women and that explains why they spend several hours hair-making for them to look beautiful.

So any time you see your lady just made her hair, make sure you caress her and tell her how beautiful she looks..

3. Her Feet

Women typically overwork themselves, they accumulate a lot of tension during their work from doing homework to their workplaces, which explains why they want you to touch their feet, caress it so you can relax and feel better. The ladies usually stand on their feet for a very long time while doing housework, and this sometimes causes them to suffer from feet, so that they except you are the one who touches your feet, massages and relieves them of the pain.