15 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Pimples Overnight Fast

How to get rid of pimples fast? First, you should understand the physiology behind it. Pimples are also known as zits, spots, bumps, pustules, papules, or Acne. It is an inflammation of the skin when the oil glands (sebaceous glands) get clogged and infected by bacteria or swell up. The main cause of pimples is the excess sebum secretion by the sebaceous glands.

Pimple is a normal skin condition for many people, especially teenagers, because the sebaceous glands will produce more oil under the influence of androgens. It is estimated that 80 percent of teenagers will suffer from pimples. Pimples can occur on the face, forehead, upper back, neck, chest, upper arms, and shoulders.

Common Causes of Pimples

  • Clogged Pores: This is the most common cause of acne lesions. Pimples usually occur when the hair pores are clogged by dirt, oil, bacteria, too much sebum, and dead skin cells.
  • Genetics – Genetic factors are important causes of acne. Your genetics may determine the sensitivity, oiliness, dryness, and resistance to bacteria. Those whose parents have pimples are more likely to suffer from acne.
  • Hormonal changes– Hormonal fluctuations are one of the most common causes of acne. Hormonal changes in adolescents can cause more sebum production and prevent the expulsion of dirt and dead skin cells, leading to acne. In addition, Women during pregnancy or the menstrual cycle may also suffer acne due to hormonal fluctuations.
  • In 2003, Stanford University published a study to analyze whether stress causes acne. Participants included seven men and 15 female students. Studies have shown that students are more likely to have acne during the exam, according to Lisa A. Garner, an expert in dermatology at the University of Texas. Stress may cause more sebum and blocked hair follicles, leading to acne.
  • Smoking– Is acne related to smoking? There’s still not a definitive answer now. Many studies have achieved the opposite results. So this question may require more medical research.
  • Too much alcohol- Excessive alcohol consumption may disturb the balance of the hormone levels in your body. In addition, alcohol can damage your liver and reduce the ability to clean up toxins. This may weaken your immune system and cause bacterial invasion, leading to acne.
  • Bad Hygienic Habits – Some bad habits, such as not washing your face frequently, using cosmetics containing chemicals, or sleeping without removing makeup, can easily cause clogged pores and lead to acne.
  • Medications-Some medications contain corticosteroids, lithium, or androgens that can cause hormonal fluctuations and lead to acne.
  • Foods rich in carbs and dairy products- Some foods have been proven to trigger acne more likely. Dairy products such as milk contain a hormone that can cause more sebum production and lead to pimples. Foods rich in sugar can increase your blood sugar and insulin levels. This will increase sebum production and worsen the existing acne. In addition, Carbohydrates such as whole grains can also cause high sugar and more insulin.

1. Ice Cubes

Ice cubes are excellent for treating pimple that has not been infected thoroughly, and ice can help reduce the skin’s swelling, redness, and inflammation. It also helps the oil organs to push out the dirt, abundance of oil, and microbes. In addition, it can help improve blood circulation and tighten your skin pores.


  • First, clean your skin with a mild soap bar and keep it fresh.
  • Wrap a block of ice in a thin cloth. Remember not to apply ice directly on the skin; otherwise, it may harm the skin.
  • Keep the wrapped ice on top of a pimple for a few seconds. Do not exceed one minute; otherwise, it may harm the surrounding skin.
  • Remove the ice cubes, wait for 5 minutes, and repeat the above process if necessary.

2. Honey

Another quick way to get rid of pimples is Honey, which contains preservatives that can prevent the growth of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms in your pore. It also has anti-inflammatory qualities that can reduce the skin’s redness,  swelling, and infections.

In addition, honey is a natural humectant that helps preserve moisture in your skin so you can get rid of the peeling and dryness naturally.


  • First, clean your skin with mild soap and lukewarm water. Remember not to use a scrub or towel because this may cause skin irritation.
  • Dab raw honey directly onto the affected area with a clean, sterile cotton-tipped application.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes and massage the skin gently to promote skin absorption.
  • Wash the skin with warm water and repeat the process twice a day.
  • Another option is to make a thick paste with honey and cinnamon powder. Apply this mixture to your face and wait for half an hour. Wash your face with warm water.

Note: Make sure to use raw honey and avoid processed honey products. You can find raw honey at your local food store. Processed honey products may irritate your skin. This may cause your pimples to get worse.

3. Lemon Juice

Another effective treatment to get rid of pimples is to use fresh lemon juice. It contains vitamin C, which can help kill bacteria or microscopic organisms and reduce the redness caused by acne. In addition, the acid in lemon juice can help constrict the skin tissues and push the overabundance of oil out of your skin.


  • Wash your face with mild soap and lukewarm water.
  • Dry your face for 5-10 minutes.
  • Cut and squeeze a fresh lemon into a bowl. Dilute the fresh lemon juice with some water.
  • Dab a clean cotton ball soaked in fresh lemon juice to your affected area. You may feel some stinging or itching. This is normal. However, this remedy is unsuitable for you if you have sensitive skin.
  • Leave the lemon juice on your face for 20 minutes to let your skin absorb the acid.
  • Wash your face with warm water.
  • Another option is to make a mixture of lemon cinnamon powder and juice. Apply it on top of the pimples for one hour. This will help you get rid of pimples fast. However, if you have sensitive skin, you should avoid this method.

4. Toothpaste

Joshua Zeichner, M.D. from Mount Sinai hospital in New York, said toothpaste contains essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, alcohol, menthol, and triclosan which help kill acne-causing bacteria and dry out pimples. However, toothpaste is meant for teeth and not skin, so it may irritate the skin and cause redness, peeling even burning.


Touch some white toothpaste to the influenced area of the skin for 2 hours, wash your skin with water, and dry.

Note: Toothpaste can irritate the skin, so you must use the correct technique. Make sure to read this guide before you try this method.

5. Steam

Steaming is excellent for treating acne and pimples. It can “open” your pores and flush the dead skin cells, oil, bacteria, and dirt out. This helps purify your pores and make your skin smooth.


  • First, boil some water and bring it into a two-quart pot. Do not use too hot water. The best water temperature for steaming is about 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Wash your face to make your skin clean.
  • Tie your hair back. Slowly close to the steam; remember not to get too close; 12 inches (30 cm) is an ideal distance. If you get too close to the hot steam, you could harm your skin.
  • Steam your affected area over the steam for about five to ten minutes.
  • Repeating this process once a week can help your skin be hydrated.
  • You can also add some essential oils to the steam. You can use lavender, rosemary, or peppermint oil to make the steam fragrant.

6. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is excellent for treating pimples. It has antifungal and antimicrobial properties that help prevent microscopic organisms and bacteria that cause acne.

Additionally, the mitigating properties of tea tree oil can help reduce the redness and inflammation of the skin. It also helps dry out the pimples and unblock the sebaceous glands naturally.


  • Mix 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil with ½ cup of water. Dip a clean cotton swab in the oil and apply it to the affected area. Rinse your face after 20 to 25 minutes. You can do this twice a day for quick results.
  • Another choice is to mix a couple of drops of tea tree oil with one tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel. Apply it to your pimples, leave it on for 15 minutes, and wash your face.
  • Another option is to mix one teaspoon of coconut oil or almond oil with 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. Apply it to the infected area and wait for a few hours. Wash your face with lukewarm water. You can do this twice daily until the pimples go away.

Note: You may feel a slight stinging sensation. This is normal. If you have sensitive skin, you should try this method.

7. Garlic Cloves

Garlic is beneficial in treating pimples and acne. It has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory,anti-viral, and antioxidant properties, which can help kill bacteria and reduce redness, swelling, irritation, and pain. In addition, garlic is rich in vitamins C, minerals, and other phytonutrients, essential for healthy skin.


  • Peel and cut a garlic clove into three pieces.
  • Apply the garlic to the pimples and leave it on for a few minutes before washing the skin with cold water.
  • Repeat this a few times each day.
  • You can also eat one raw garlic clove every day, which helps promote blood circulation. However, do not overeat as it can agitate the stomach.

Note:If you feel an unbearable burning sensation remove the application immediately.

8. Baking Soda

Baking Soda has numerous uses. It can be an antiperspirant, toothpaste, and even a home remedy for skin peeling. It can exfoliate the skin and remove dirt, dead skin cells, and an abundance of oil. Baking Soda also contains anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce redness, swelling, and skin irritation.


  • Make a smooth paste by blending two tablespoons of baking soda with two tablespoons of water.
  • Wash your face thoroughly. Apply the paste to the pimples and wait for 15 minutes.
  • Wash your face with cool water and pat dry.
  • You can do this twice a day for quick results.
  • If you feel stung too much, take it off immediately.

Note: If you have sensitive skin, you should avoid this method because it may result in dryness, redness, and irritation.

9. Cucumber

Cucumber is rich in potassium(calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus) which helps remove dirt, dead skin cells, and bacteria. It also contains vitamins(A, C, and E) which can help reduce skin inflammation.

The antioxidant properties of cucumber can help calm and reduce the redness of the skin. Also, It can help the skin hydrate because 90% of cucumber is water.


  • Cut cucumbers into pieces and blend to make a paste.
  • Wash your face with mild soap and warm water.
  • Apply the paste to the affected skin and let the skin absorb for 30 – 45 minutes.
  • Rinse off with water.
  • Repeat this process twice a day.

Note: You can also make a cucumber face mask with Honey, Lemon Juice, Tomato Juice, Sandalwood Powder, and Yogurt.

10. Papaya

Papaya is a rich source of papain and chymopapain, which has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. It can exfoliate the skin, unclog the pores, and remove excess lipids.

It also contains beta-carotene, vitamin B, and C, which help reduce redness and swelling and help your skin soft and smooth. In addition, papaya can strengthen your immune system to fight the formation of dark spots, pimples, and other blemishes.


  • Put raw papaya pieces in a blend. Crush and extract the juice.
  • Wash your face with water and let it dry.
  • Apply the paste to the affected area and wait 20 – 30 minutes before washing it off.
  • You can do this twice a day to get a quick result.
  • You can also make a face mask with Honey, Yogurt, Cream, and Papaya. Apply the mask to the clean skin, wait for 15 – 20 minutes, and then wash it off.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar

If you want to treat a pimple fast, consider apple cider vinegar. It has an antiseptic and antifungal agent that can help reduce swelling, irritation, redness, and pain. The acidic property of ACV can help kill many types of bacteria and viruses to prevent infection.

In addition, the ACV can help your skin maintain a balanced skin pH level, making it harder for microbes to flourish. It also helps produce collagen, remove excess oil, repair damaged cells, and remove dead skin cells.


Wash your face with water and use a towel to dry your skin. Utilizing a proportion of 1 section of vinegar to 3 units of water, dunk a cotton ball into vinegar and apply it correctly to the imperfection. Leave it on for nothing less than 10 minutes or overnight. Reapply a few times each day.

Note: Apply skin toner after applying this treatment.

12. Yogurt

Yogurt has been used on the skin for excellent advantages since ancient times. It can nourish your skin from the outside and inside. Yogurt is rich in multi-nutrients like zinc, vitamin B, calcium, and lactic acid, a natural antibiotic that helps exfoliate skin and promote collagen production.

In addition, It also helps unclog pores and reduce redness. Eating is the easiest method. This can help improve your overall skin appearance. You can also make simple yogurt masks that help brighten the skin, reduce redness, and moisturize the skin.

Yogurt Face Mask

  • Wash your face and hands with warm water and wipe dry.
  • Apply plain yogurt to your face with your finger.
  • Leave it on the face for ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water. You can apply this mixture twice a day.

Honey Yogurt Face Mask

  • First, Clean your face and hands.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt with one teaspoon of raw honey in a bowl.
  • Apply it to your face and wait 15 minutes before rinsing with water.

Oatmeal Yogurt Face Mask

  • Cleanse your face with mild soap and water.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt with one teaspoon of colloidal oatmeal in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture to your face and wait for 10 minutes.
  • Wash your face with warm water and pat dry.

Note: Make sure to use plain, unsweetened, and unflavored yogurt in your face mask; otherwise, it may cause redness and irritation of the skin.

13. Aspirin

Aspirin is another effective method to keep your skin soft and bright. It contains acetylsalicylic acid, which is an excellent skin exfoliator. It can also help reduce pore size and inflammation.


  • Dissolve 5 or 6 aspirin tablets in a few drops of water.
  • You can add some honey, egg whites, or olive oil for a better effect.
  • Gently rub the mixture on your face and wait for 15 minutes.
  • Wipe it off with warm water

Note: Do not touch your eyes when you use Aspirin.

14. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera Gel has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help prevent bacteria, reduce inflammation, reduce redness, and accelerate the healing process of pimples wound. It also helps remove dirt, dead skin cells, and excess pore oil. The salicylic acid in Aloe Vera Gel can help balance the skin’s pH. By using aloe vera, you will have healthier skin.


  • Mix 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel with 1-2 teaspoons of rose water in a bowl.
  • You can also add raw honey, Lemon, Turmeric, or Tea Tree Oil to the aloe vera gel.
  • Apply this to the affected area for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat this twice a week until the acne heals.

15. Olive Oil

Olive oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help kill bacteria and reduce swelling and inflammation of the skin. It also contains many nutrients and essential fatty acids, which help remove dead skin cells, dirt, and other toxins in the clogged pores.

In olive oil, vitamins D, E, and K can help heal damaged skin and strengthen your immune system to prevent pimples.


  • Wash your face and hands with plain water
  • You can apply the olive oil directly to the pimples. You can also add Sea Salt Scrub, Lemon Juice, Baking Soda, Garlic, Honey, Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil, or Apple Cider Vinegar into the olive oil.
  • Apply the mixture to the affected area and massage gently.
  • Leave it on for 5-10 minutes and wash off with warm water.
  • Repeat the process three times weekly.
  • You can do this two times a day.

Final Words:

These natural remedies can effectively help you get rid of pimples fast. However, you’d better stick with 1-To 2 methods for some time. This will tend to get good results.

If some symptoms such as allergies, redness, or pain occur during treatment, you’d better see your doctor as soon as possible. The doctor can give you the best treatment plan based on the test results.