What Men Should Do After Sex To Be Healthy

During intercourse, there are lots of things that happen but not everybody is aware. Despite intercourse enhances pleasure and reproduction, there are certain things men should do after intercourse to stay healthy.

In this article in line with a publication on “Webmd”, we shall be looking at lifestyle changes men should adopt after intercourse to stay healthy.

Empty Your Bladder

This is one of the healthy things to do immediately after intercourse. It applies to both men and women. According to experts, you are more exposed to bacteria and other organism that can get into your body system. Therefore raising your chances of an infection. However, when you pee, you flush those germs out. Always pee after intercourse to get rid of the infection.

Wash Your Hands

Most men are victims of making mistakes when it comes to washing up after intercourse. Please gently wash your hands and private part thoroughly after intercourse. By so doing, it can protect both men and women from infections, like those of the urinary tract (UTIs).

Drink Water

It is very healthy to drink a glass of water immediately after intercourse. This will enable you to pee regularly and by doing so, you flush out infections from your body system. Water can also keep you hydrated and boost your daily routine.