Drug addicts now sniffing sanitary pads, female nail polish, laughing gas to get high — Narcotics Control Commission reveals

The Deputy Accra Regional Commander of the Narcotics Control Commission, Reas Hakim Oduro, has raised alarm over the growing addiction of Ghanaian youth to hard drugs. In a shocking revelation, he disclosed that these drug addicts have resorted to using unconventional substances, including sanitary pads and female nail polish, to get a euphoric feeling due to the psychoactive elements in such products.

During an interview on Peace FM’s ‘Kokrokoo’ morning show monitored by
ModernGhana News

, he emphasized that “the drug addicts have progressed beyond marijuana and heroin and have now turned to other products containing psychoactive elements.”

According to Mr. Hakim Oduro, the latest lifestyle is as a result of the psychoactive chemicals used in the production of sanitary pads to get high.

He said, “They use sanitary pads because of the chemical they use to produce it. It has some elements of psychoactive that people are now shifting to that one too.”

“New substances keep coming up…even with female nail polish, people are using it. Petrol, people are using it – anything that can penetrate your brain to make you high or give you a euphoric feeling but the effects are also there,” he added.

Mr. Hakim Oduro mentioned that some drug addicts are turning to “laughing gas” to also get high.

He stated, “Nitrous oxide, commonly found in small canisters similar to fire extinguishers, is collected and then blown into balloons. The addicts then inhale the gas-filled balloons to achieve a temporary state of euphoria.”

Despite the dangers associated with the use of such substances, Mr. Reas Hakim Oduro said such drug addicts could be rehabilitated through increased awareness and patient guidance to overcome their addiction.