How to Stop Sweating: 5 Natural Remedies to Reduce Too Much Sweating

When it comes to too much sweating, you might get worried whether it is a normal thing or you may have an underlying condition. You might also shy away from people because you don’t want to scare them away with sweat odour and sweat marks.

Below are some of the remedies that can help you stop too much sweating on your underarms naturally;

1.Tomato juice

Tomato juice can shrink your pores and reduce chronic sweating.

Eating a tomato rich diet or simply drinking a glass of tomato juice each day will help control excessive sweating.

If tomatoes aren’t your thing,you can apply the juice to your underarms, let it sit for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.

2. Stay hydrated

Keeping you body temperature cool helps in keeping sweat at a bay.

Drinking plenty of water and fluids regulates your body temperature.

Taking fruits, veggies and other foods with high water content can also help hit your water intake goals.

3. Salt

Salt absorb sweat, blocks your pores and keep your skin dry.

Try rubbing sea salt crystals on your sweaty areas and even carry around a bottle of crystals to use it when you feel a sweat session coming on.

4. Lemon

The acid in the lemon helps in reducing excessive sweating naturally.

You can either run lemon on your underarms while squeezing to extract the liquid or mix a small amount of the juice with baking soda and apply it with cotton pad.

Leave the lemon juice on for at least 30 minutes and rise it off.

5. Cut down caffeine

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and increase your heart rate.

The raised body temperature by the hot coffee or tea drinking can cause your body to produce more sweat.

Try to decrease your caffeine intake or eliminate it completely so as to reduce excessive sweating.