15 Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress, Improve Sleep & More

What if there was a way to decrease stress, ease anxiety, improve sleep and boost your mood — and you could do it anywhere, at any time? How about also helping to relieve COPD and blood pressure problems? Interested?

You’re in luck, because this already exists. It’s time to introduce breathwork and breathing exercises into your daily routine.

What Is a Breathing Exercise?
Breathing exercises and techniques sound a little funny at first: After all, don’t we all know how to breathe?

Using specific breathing techniques and breath control, however, means that you’re mindful about the way you breathe in and out. By purposefully changing the way we breathe, we can change the way we feel and how our bodies react to what’s going on around us.

Under normal circumstances, we inhale to absorb oxygen and exhale to rid our body of carbon dioxide through the lungs, with the help of our diaphragm muscles. But when we’re stressed, anxious or upset, for example, the way we breathe changes. Instead of deep, lung-filling breaths, we start “overbreathing” and taking short, shallow breaths.

Instead of our diaphragms doing the heavy lifting, we use our shoulders to inhale and exhale, which can make anxious feelings even worse.

By using breathing exercises, we send a signal to the nervous system, the part of the body managing things like heart rate and stress response, that things are OK. In turn, the physical effects of anxiety — racing heartbeat, shallow breathing, sweaty palms — are reduced, and our minds calm down.

Best of all, unlike yoga or meditation (which I still absolutely recommend!), you can do breathing exercises when you’re commuting to work, before a stressful meeting or even in the midst of an argument when you want to calm down.

Sure, changing the way you breathe can transform the type of breaths you take and maybe help you feel better right then and there, but does it really change your body? Although researchers aren’t quite sure of the how, they all agree that it definitely does.

Check out these breathing exercise benefits.

1. Improve COPD
For people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), that feeling of not being able to take a deep breath is one of the earliest signs of the disease, though it’s often confused with aging. As time goes on and the lungs aren’t able to expel air, the diaphragm isn’t able to do its job and help bring in oxygen — so the body turns to other muscles, like the ones in chest, back and even neck, to keep you breathing.

Since these muscles aren’t cut out for breathing the way the diaphragm is, people with COPD find themselves not getting enough oxygen and feeling tired and worn out — not to mention the feeling of always needing a bit more air.

Because it’s become harder to breathe, individuals with COPD often find themselves avoiding exercise and other activities that will cause even more shortness of breath. Unfortunately, that plan backfires, as the body’s muscles weaken, making it even more difficult to breathe — and the cycle continues.

According to the COPD Foundation, roughly 30 million Americans suffer from the condition each year. Luckily, several studies have found that breathing techniques and exercises are an effective way of helping to ease the burden of COPD, particularly when more intensive pulmonary care is unavailable.

One study even found that not only did breathing exercises help improve dyspnea, or labored breathing, but quality of life and the lungs’ abilities to take in more oxygen increased as well. This is great news, because COPD is often treated with medication or pricey rehab programs. As the study’s authors mention, “deep breathing exercises is [sic] an effective and economical method for improving the physical capacity and general wellbeing of patients with COPD.”

2. Lower Blood Pressure
For folks with high blood pressure, practicing breathing techniques and breathing exercises for anxiety can help naturally lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact, breathing exercises are included in a 2013 recommendation made by the American Heart Association as an alternative beyond medicine and diet to controlling blood pressure.

A major study out of Japan also showed evidence that deep breathing exercises are beneficial for reducing blood pressure. In a study of 21,563 subjects, researchers found that blood pressure was significantly lower after doing six rounds of deep breathing exercises for 30 seconds each time.

3. Reduce Anxiety
Whether you suffer from an anxiety disorder or are just confronting a nerve-wracking, anxious experience, breathing exercises for anxiety can be really helpful.

One study conducted among musicians discovered that when they practiced breathing techniques for 30 minutes before performing, it had a positive impact on their heart rates and also left them feeling less anxious and tense than beforehand. This is impressive and means that just one session of slower breathing can have positive effects on anxiety.

Breathing exercises also help ease anxiety in people who already have COPD. One study conducted on 46 men who were hospitalized because of the condition found that practicing breathing techniques improved not only participants’ anxiety, but also their shortness of breath and mobility.

4. Improve Sleep and Lower Stress
If you’re lying in bed with thoughts racing and have run out of sheep to count, breathing exercises for sleep can help send you to dreamland. Slow, deep breathing actually helps the body override the sympathetic system, which controls the fight-or-flight response, and lets the parasympathetic system ­— which controls the ability to relax — take the wheel instead.

When you practice deep breathing while in bed, you’re giving the body permission to quit being on high alert and, instead, to relax.

Focusing on your breathing also forces your mind to concentrate on the task at hand and not on whatever you’re lying in bed thinking about, which can often be enough to lull you to sleep.

Breathing exercises when you’re stressed act in the same way. Activating the parasympathetic system directs your body away from the fight-or-flight response that flares up when you’re stressed about something and reminds it to chill out instead. The result is a slower heart rate, deeper breathing and a greater sense of calm.

Breathing Exercises to Relax
Not all breathing exercises are the same, but the ones that help the body relax and quiet a busy mind are some of the best. The cool thing is that aside from helping you unwind and destress, breathing exercises also strengthen the lungs. You might find that after you’ve been doing the techniques for some time, that your “normal” breathing is more effective, too.

Remember that just like any type of exercise practice makes perfect with breathing techniques. You might not nail them on the first try, but as you keep incorporating them into your wellness routine, you’ll eventually find that you can do them without much effort.

1. Pursed lip breathing
This one is super simple, easy to do and extremely effective. The general idea is to breathe out for double the amount of breaths you inhale. Pursed lip breathing helps release air that’s trapped in the lungs and decreases the amount of breaths you take, while extending exhalation.

With relaxed shoulders, take a normal breath for about two counts. Then pucker your lips up (think of your mouth when you’re about to whistle — that’s what your lips should look like!) and exhale for four counts. Do this for a few rounds.

2. Diaphragmatic breathing
Also known as belly or abdominal breathing, this is the granddaddy of breathing exercises, as you’re training the body to let your diaphragm do all the work. Your goal here is to breathe through your nose and focus on how your belly fills up with air.

You can do this one either sitting up or lying down. I find it’s nice to do while in bed to help wind down.

With your shoulders back, keep one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. As you breathe in deeply for about two seconds, your belly should stick out a bit. Feel the air expanding your stomach and then breathe out slowly through the lips.

3. Alternate nostril breathing
Yogis know that controlled breathing is a huge part of a yoga practice. One of my favorites is alternate nostril breathing. This is a great one when you want to keep your mind from jumping around, like when you’re stressed at work or trying to fall asleep, because you’ll need to focus to remember what nostril you’re working on.

To practice this one, start on the right side. Place your right thumb over your right nostril as you breathe in through the left nostril. Then take your right ring finger and place it over your left nostril as you exhale from the right one.

Leaving your ring finger where it is over the left nostril, inhale from the left, and then switch to the right side, putting your thumb over the right nostril and exhaling through the left. It sounds a little funky, but you’ll get the hang of it.

You can easily see why people do it to help focus on the present ­— it’s hard to think of anything else when you’re wondering which nostril is next!

4. Lions breath
Lion’s breath is another common one that’s a little cheeky and allows you to exhale out bad energy and invite in a more relaxing state.

Here, you take a deep breath through the nose. When it’s time to breathe out, tilt your head back, close your eyes, stick out your tongue and let the air out through your mouth, like a lion would!

You can take this one to the next level by raising your arms on the inhale and then doing cactus arms (holding your arms up at 90 degrees) while you exhale.

5. 4-7-8
This deceptively simple breathing technique is lauded as one of the best ones to help you fall asleep.

In theory, it’s easy. You exhale through your mouth and then close it and inhale through your nose for four counts. You hold the breath in for seven counts, then release it in eight counts and repeat at least three times.

Because you have eight counts to get the breath out in, you’re forced to slow down your breathing, which, in turn, slows down the heart rate and helps you relax.

6. Breath counting
This is another relaxation technique that will keep your mind from wandering too far.

Sitting comfortably with your eyes closed, take a few deep breaths, and then settle in to a pattern of “normal” breathing. When you exhale, count “one.” The next time, count “two.”

Do this until you have exhaled (and counted to) five, and then start the pattern over. Don’t count past five, and if you find you’ve lost count, start again at one.

You’ll be surprised at how much concentration it will take to keep yourself on count.

7. Breath focus
The breath focus technique is a type of deep breathing exercise that combines diaphragmatic breathing with mental focus to promote relaxation and well-being.

Sit or lie down in a quiet, distraction-free environment. You can sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor or lie on your back on a yoga mat or bed.

Close your eyes gently and take a few moments to relax your body. Let go of any tension you might be holding in your shoulders, neck or jaw.

Pay attention to your natural breathing pattern without trying to control it. Notice if your breaths are shallow or deep and whether your chest or abdomen rises and falls more with each breath.

Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. As you inhale slowly through your nose, feel your belly inflate (not your chest) and push your hand outward. Aim for a deep, complete breath that fills your lower lungs.

While inhaling, silently repeat a calming word or phrase like “peace,” “calm” or “relax.” Imagine you’re breathing in this feeling with the air.

Purse your lips slightly and exhale slowly and steadily through your mouth or nose. Feel your belly sink inward as you release the air.

As you exhale, silently repeat a word or phrase that represents letting go, such as “release,” “let go” or “tension.” Imagine breathing out any negativity or stress with the air.

Continue this pattern of deep, focused breathing for several minutes. If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath and the sensations of inhaling and exhaling.

8. Equal breathing
Equal breathing, also known as Sama Vritti in Sanskrit, is a breathing technique that focuses on making your inhales and exhales the same length. It’s a simple yet powerful practice that can bring about calmness and mental balance.

Choose a comfortable seated position, either on a chair or the floor. If you’re sitting on the floor, you can use a meditation cushion or folded blanket for support.

Sit tall with your shoulders relaxed and rolled back. Imagine elongating your spine upward.

You can close your eyes gently to help focus on your breath.

Breathe slowly and steadily through your nose. Use counting to make your inhales and exhales equal in duration. Start by inhaling for a count of three and exhaling for a count of three.

If this feels too short or long, adjust the count to find a comfortable pace. You can gradually increase the count as you get more practiced.

9. Simple breathing exercise
Here’s a simple breathing exercise you can do almost anywhere:

Find a comfortable position: Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, or lie down on your back on a comfortable surface.
Relax your body: Close your eyes gently, and take a few moments to soften your shoulders, neck and jaw.
Focus on your belly: Place one hand on your abdomen, just below your ribcage.
Breathe deeply: Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of four, feeling your belly inflate and pushing your hand outward.
Exhale completely: Purse your lips slightly and exhale slowly through your mouth or nose for a count of six, feeling your belly sink inward.
Repeat: Continue this pattern of deep breathing for five to 10 minutes. If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath.
This is a variation of diaphragmatic breathing, which is a natural and efficient way to breathe. It can help slow your heart rate, lower your blood pressure and promote relaxation.

10. Resonant or coherent breathing
Resonant breathing, also known as coherent breathing, is a simple and effective breathing technique that can help reduce stress, improve relaxation and even enhance your well-being.

Resonant breathing focuses on achieving a specific breath rate: five breaths per minute. Aim for your inhales and exhales to be equal in length, typically around five to six seconds each. Breathe entirely through your nose for a smoother and more controlled breath.

Sit or lie down in a quiet, distraction-free environment. Closing your eyes can help you focus on your breath.

Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of five, feeling your belly gently inflate. Exhale slowly through your nose for a count of five, feeling your belly sink inward.

Continue this pattern of breathing for five to 10 minutes. If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to the sensation of inhaling and exhaling.

11. Sitali breath
Sitali breath, also known as cooling breath, is a pranayama technique in yoga known for its refreshing and calming effects. Sitali breath is said to have a cooling effect on the body, making it ideal for hot weather or after strenuous activity.

The practice of focusing on the breath and the cooling sensation can promote relaxation and help alleviate stress and anxiety. In Ayurveda, Sitali breath is believed to pacify Pitta dosha, which is associated with heat and fiery emotions in the body.

Sit in a comfortable seated position, ideally in a quiet and distraction-free environment. You can sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor or on the floor in a meditation pose.

Make a “U” shape with your tongue by rolling the edges inward. If you can’t roll your tongue, purse your lips slightly.

Inhale slowly through your curled tongue (or pursed lips) as if you’re sipping cool air through a straw. Close your mouth and exhale completely through your nose.

Continue this pattern of inhaling through your tongue/lips and exhaling through your nose for several minutes. Aim for five to 10 rounds to start.

12. Deep breathing
Deep breathing is a powerful technique that involves using your diaphragm to breathe deeply and efficiently. Unlike shallow breathing, which uses your chest muscles and only fills the upper part of your lungs, deep breathing brings in more oxygen and expels more carbon dioxide, leading to a cascade of benefits for your body and mind.

Sit or lie down in a quiet, distraction-free environment. Close your eyes gently, and take a few moments to soften your shoulders, neck and jaw.

Place one hand on your abdomen, just below your ribcage. Breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of four, feeling your belly inflate and pushing your hand outward.

Purse your lips slightly and exhale slowly through your mouth or nose for a count of six, feeling your belly sink inward. Continue this pattern of deep breathing for five 10 minutes. If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath.

13. Humming bee breath
The humming bee breath, also known as Bhramari Pranayama in Sanskrit, is a calming breathing technique that utilizes a humming sound on the exhale. It’s a simple practice with surprising benefits for relaxation and well-being.

Sit in a comfortable seated position, either on a chair or the floor. If you’re on the floor, you can use a meditation cushion or folded blanket for support. Closing your eyes can help you focus on your breath and the humming sound.

Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose. As you exhale slowly through your nose or mouth, make a low-pitched humming sound like a bee buzzing. Feel the vibration resonate in your head and facial area.

Continue inhaling deeply and exhaling with a hum for several minutes. Aim for five to 10 rounds to start.

14. Box breathing
Box breathing, also referred to as square breathing, is a simple and effective deep breathing technique that can help you relax and regain focus. It involves inhaling, holding your breath, exhaling and holding your breath again for equal durations.

Choose a comfortable position, either sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the floor or lying down on your back on a yoga mat or bed. Gently close your eyes to help you focus on your breath and avoid distractions.

Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose for a count of four. Imagine your belly inflating as you inhale. Hold your breath for a count of four, avoiding any strain or discomfort.

Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth or nose for a count of four. Feel your belly sink inward as you release the air. Hold your breath again for a count of four before starting the next cycle.

Repeat this pattern of inhaling for four seconds, holding for four seconds, exhaling for four seconds and holding again for four seconds for several minutes. Aim for three to five minutes to start.

If four seconds feels too short or long, adjust the count to find a comfortable pace for you. You can gradually increase the count as you become more comfortable with the technique.

15. Mindfulness breathing
Mindfulness breathing, also known as mindful breathing meditation, is the foundation of many relaxation techniques. It’s about focusing your awareness on your breath without judgment.

The key is to simply observe your breath, noticing the sensations of inhaling and exhaling, without trying to control or change your breathing pattern.

Sit or lie down in a quiet, distraction-free environment. You can sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor or lie down on your back on a yoga mat or bed.

Close your eyes gently, and take a few moments to soften your shoulders, neck and jaw. Pay attention to the natural rhythm of your breath, feeling the rise and fall of your chest or abdomen with each inhalation and exhalation.

It’s natural for your mind to wander during mindfulness breathing. When you notice your attention has drifted, gently bring it back to your breath without judgment.

You might also experience various thoughts or bodily sensations. Simply acknowledge them and let them go, returning your focus to your breath.

Continue focusing on your breath for a set amount of time, such as five to 10 minutes. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase the duration.

Breathing techniques are generally safe, inexpensive ways to strengthen your lungs, relax, and decrease stress and anxiety. However, if you do have COPD or another type of lung disease, you should speak with your doctor about incorporating breathing exercises into your lifestyle — just don’t hold your breath forever!

Final Thoughts
Breathing exercises help us more effectively inhale and exhale, using the diaphragm. By changing the way we breathe, we can better control our emotions.
What makes breathing exercises extra useful is that you can do them anywhere, at any time.
Using breathing techniques can ease the symptoms of stress, anxiety, sleep problems, blood pressure and COPD.
There are a number of breathing exercises you can do to help you relax. Pursed lip is the easiest — once you master that one, move on to the more advanced versions to help calm your mind, reduce anxiety and live more happily.